Chapter Eighty Two - Always and Forever

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"Yes, dear mother, you do not have a choice. But then again why should you be any different from us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik and Beth's End of Days Marionette show. They force every move we make." Rebekah glared at us.

"Cause you're so knowledgeable." I mutter "Not one of you manage to figure out that you had the blood of the wrong witch. Not to mention you, Elijah and Freya wreck havoc on nearly every insecurity the two of us had." I yell at her

"Easy love, easy." Nik pulled me back "Sweetheart go calm yourself. I can take it from here" I shrugged him off.

"I'm fine." I huff "We trusted you. I trusted you to be the family that would be there for me, the sister." I look at Rebekah

"The husband." I turn my gaze to Elijah "The brother. To know despite our actions we had what was best for the children at heart. To trust us, unite with us. I stood with you when you needed me was it so much to ask in return."

"And what about Gia and Hayley?" Elijah questioned mournful

"Gia was collateral damage, I'm not me if I don't make a point. Hayley, well she stood in the way of my son and I. Nik and Hope. That was fair play, she'll get over it eventually, maybe a hundred years of breaking bones every full moon." i smirk but then it dropped seeing their faces

"You broke my heart Elijah." my facade broke "You abandoned me, when I needed you the most. You don't get to stand there and be mad at me, at us because you lost the faith. You said Always and Forever was different for me and you. That you would follow me into the darkness if only to bring me out. I don't know about you but this looks pretty fucking dark." I held out my arms and turned around.

"So are you going to bring her out of it Elijah?" Nik wondered "Or are you going to fail her again?" Elijah looked down at me

"I'm sorry, Bethany." He pulled me into his embrace and I wrap my arms around him closing my eyes


After forgiveness, the siblings and I tracked Dahlia and Freya to a old carriage warehouse on the other side of town. Dahlia was talking to her former charge about having a heart of stone.

"And with that heart of stone I will crush every one of her children." She stated and Nik was the first inside.

"Isn't there a saying about stones and glass houses?" He questioned

"In case the analogy is lost on you I believe my brother is calling you a hypocritical bitch." Rebekah joined him in there warehouse.

"Humm, bringing vampires to a witch fight. Someone hasn't learned their lesson." Dahlia returned and I sped in.

"Someone say a witch fight. Present." I rose my hand cheekily "No, wait, were missing one, Elijah!" I call back and he brought in Esther

"You were right you are quite the teacher. I'd say we took your lesson to heart." The five of us stepped forward to the circle in which Dahlia and Freya were. The sistered stared at one another.

"My chains" I saw that we got to her despite the fact Dahlia started laughing "Is she to be a gift to buy your freedom? Because I brought something." she took out the White oak stake.

"One stake three of us. Even if you don't hesitate the other two plus Beth will rip you apart." Nik retorted

"Sound thinking...but small thinking." she raised the stake up in the air and obliterated it, from above down floated the ash. White....Oak...ash. Then with the flick of her wrist she made the three of them inhale it. They started to choke.

"Elijah" i caught onto him but all three of them were choking to death. My head snapped to Esther.

"Save them." I pleaded with her "Save them."

"You're killing them." Freya stated as I cradled Elijah in my lap

"Now, sister, let us watch together as I burn your children from the inside out." Dahlia taunted her sister and Esther looked at me for a moment before walking over

"You still carry around so much anger for me after all these years?" Esther questioned

"You broke your vow. We were to stand together, always and forever, and you left to marry that brutish Viking imbecile. You ended my family and they were the result." Dahlia attacked them again and red veins appeared on all of them and the slowly died.

"You call this my wrongdoing? You made me bargain away my firstborn child. My daughter." Esther replied as I tried spells to reverse, slow down or so something but nothing worked

"Not just this first born, but every firstborn." I saw Nik grab the knife "And even then you still found a way to deny me that which you had sworn would be mine. How do you think that felt." I grabbed the knife from hims and went for it but I was forced back. I screamed out in pain as I pit my head full force. Touching my head I felt the blood, but i soon healed but dazed I crawled back over.

"Now, say goodbye to the last of your children." I heard Dahlia as I dropped beside Elijah. The effect of the ash were now effecting me since I was Nik's bloodline. I reached out as did Elijah and our hands came together.

"Sister, wait. Wait." Esther stated "You have won, Dahlia. You have everything you've ever wanted including the firstborns of a new generation. You have bested us all. At least let me try to make amends. Let me share with you the glorious freedom that I have death." I struggled to lift my head up and saw Esther wrapped her chains around Dahlia's throat. freeing Freya who broke the circle and expelled the ash from her siblings.

"Bethany." Esther called and she nodded to me. I threw the knife to Nik and he sped and stabbed Esther and it went through to Dahlia. The two became frozen in a hug as we all got to our feet.

"It seems we're officially orphans."


The next day I moved my family back into the compound and settled them both back in. I turned around to see Nik watching me from the door.

"Does Elijah know you've moved back in?" he questioned "I don't think he would have been too happy about that."

"He isn't." I tell him "But I told him that were Mikaelsons and as such we are the good, the bad and the ugly, whether he like it or not. I then told him that there would be times where we would fight and not agree. But the most important thing was to never abandon each other again."

"To which he..." Nik trailed off as I smiled

"He agreed. To be clear, he's made his peace with me, your a different matter. Elijah can be bias and many things, but as proven with the two of you, it's always a long road to forgiveness . Give it time." I tapped his shoulder

"And what about you?" he wondered taking my hand "Your forgiveness."

"I've began to forgive him, as he has me. The two of us burnt the bridge from both ends and now we have to build new one's" i sigh. Daniel started to fuss and I left him to go calm Daniel down. I held my son in my arms and sat in the rocking chair.

"Once upon a time, there was a Queen in a far away land." I began "Who went to war with an evil witch to protect her most beloved treasures." Sophia came in and sat on my lap.

"The fair princess and the little Prince." I kissed Sophia head as she held onto her brothers hand and listened to the story "The Queen's Uncle the former King too had priceless treasure so the united as once to protected the jewels they held most dear. Victory was won, but with victory comes a price, friends lost, enemies made, Yet despite that the Queen remind in her stead stronger and more protective than ever.

It may not have been happy ever after but sometimes the bad endings are really a new story waiting to unfold. Always remember my precious ones in our family despite our love and war there is always another story waiting to be told, but together the make up one book.

Always and Forever"

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