Chapter Thirty Three - Triquetta

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"Beth, Davina is here." I heard Kol from downstairs. I stood and sped down to stand next to him. I smirked at the other witch.

"Davina. What I can't be bothered being nice." I shrugged planing a hand on my hip.

"Why am I here, you spell locked me?" she huffed rolling her eyes at me

"I did, and then I undid it, for temporary use of course, check your wrists." she looked down and the bind markings were faded and she looked up "You're welcome. Now are you ready to be the chick involved with saving the day?" I inquired the took Kol's hand. we then held our spare hand up.

"Ready?" Kol wondered. Davina nodded and held her hands up one across from mine the other from Kol's. The three of us started chanting, I thought this would be a little hard but I didn't expect for us to be shocked. I jumped back as we all stopped

"I assume that this means we're all free to go." Nik stated as I looked around the archway then at Kol, we were on the same wavelength.

"No, the spell is locking us out." Kol replied

"Vincent must be channelling something, a dark object or a person. Something to give him a juice up." I scratch my head "I'm gonna hit the books again, there must be something i've missed." I sped off and pour my attention into reading. I don't know how long i was immersed but....

"Kol!" i yelled running out and finishing him. "I think I did it, i think I found something." I showed it to him and he read through it.

"You Beth Mikaelson are wonder woman, I will go talk to Nik." i nodded and he left. We would need some things that I didn't have here but I'm sure the brothers can come up with something.


I was in the middle of a conversation with Nik when i felt and immense pain in my stomach. I groaned and dropped to my knee's in pain.

"Beth?" Nik questioned as I felt my self sway from side to side "Beth what's wrong." he helped me to stand up.

"I'" I could feel my vampiric self raise to the surface then look back at the doors.

"Sorry about this." were his last words before everything went black.

-3rd Person-

Klaus sped out of the room and went to talk to Marcel and the others, all vampires except him were affected, he then grabbed his brother, taking him back upstairs to where the broken neck, Beth laid out.

"What did you do to her?" Kol ran over and brushed the hair out of Beth's face.

"More like what Finn did, he's spelled all the vampires minus me with extreme hunger. This is including Beth?" Klaus explained entering and picking up the tribrid to lay out on the bed.

"But that's impossible, Beth's a powerful tribrid, he couldn't just spell her not even if he's channelling dark magic. He must have something that's her's...." he noticed something "her necklace, her protective necklace." he pointed

"It makes sense Elijah had it specifically made for her and she's not one to just take it off. "

"If he has her necklace something that is essentially part of her and has been exposed to nearly every part of her life, turning into a vampire, activating her werewolf gene, her magic, he could use that against her." Kol breathed "We can't let her wake up, not yet. If you think the vampires down stairs would be bad, try a tribrid with three different ways of getting what she wants." Kol shook his head is fear

"Well what do you suggest, brother. She'll heal within the hour and she'll be both pissed and hungry." Kol smirked at him "That smirk is a dangerous one." he pointed

"Just you sort Finn out. I will look after dearest Bethany." Klaus left his brother too it and Kol went about moving  Beth, he struggled but managed to lift Beth over his shoulder and take her downstairs.

"I need you guys to clear a space, clear a space now!" I called over to the wolves they looked at him.

"You guys heard him!" Jackson called from behind them "Give the man some space." Hayley came out and joined them

"Is she okay?" Hayley questioned as a space was cleared

"It will be, take her." Kol handed Beth off "I'm going to do what my brother is doing, except we'll have more power now, I'm gonna channel her." he started to make markings and draw a circle, once he was done a breathed heavily

"Lay her in the middle." Hayley did so "Thanks." he then carved a symbol into Beth's forehead and started chanting, till Beth went pailer like she had been staked. During all of this Klaus had the tiring task of talking to Finn.


Marcel looked out into the main part of the compound where small disputes were happening around a unconscious Bethany who laid in the centre.

"Things are getting testy out there. Come on, we better move this along." Marcel turned back to Kol and Klaus.

"Vincent's boundary spell up until this point has been to strong. But what Davina and I can do is cast a disruption spell. Now channelling and tapping into the vast power a free and sleeping Beth holds we can temporarily neutralise all magical objects including the compound itself. If it works. Then it will give us about 60 seconds to escape while the boundary is shut down."  Kol explained

"Well that sounds good." marcel nodded "Why only a minute though?"

"Because, tapping into Beth's raw and undiluted  power it will begin to fight back. Her magic is based on the same concepts as the New Orleans witches, ancestral magic but with the city witches its a couple of thousand sharing the power, with Beth its all that power channelled into one person, she has the ability to control it but us tapping into it with her unconscious, is like a infection and the magic will essentially turn into white blood cells attacking the invading force. Hence sixty  seconds at most." Kol explained gesturing. Marcel nodded

"If the spell works it will suppress all magical objects in the vicinity. Means your rings."  Nik added

"If we go out in the sun without our rings we're dead." Marcel groaned

"Unless you wait until nightfall." Klaus offered and Marcel turned to look back out at his crew

"They're all so new. They're not gonna be able to fight the hunger. We cannot wait until nightfall." Marcel stated turning back to them "We're gonna have a blood bath on our hands before we even get close."

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