Chapter 5 - Seriously!

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"Bethany, Darling. You have a visitor!" Klaus called as i was still having my fun with Oliver. I sighed as he panted heavily.

"Aww, I was just getting started." I pouted and put down the knife and grabbed a towel rubbing my hands clean and running upstairs. I stopped sharply

"Mom?" she smiled softly "Mom!" I tackled her into a hug and she chuckled wrapping her arms around me

"What are you doing here? Not to say I'm not glad." I beam pulling away

"Elijah called me, he said you were out of sorts." she answered and I looked back at Nik, with a small glare

"I'm going to murder him." I mutter then turn back to Mom with a tight smile.


I took her around the quarter and talked.

"So how are you doing with the loss..." i cut her off knowing she was talking about Daniel and the lie that we had spun about him and Hope.

"I'm healing, not completely  but I am better than I was. I have my own way of dealing with things and Elijah has his. Though he would say mine is destructive. I would say it's productive." I shrug as we sit down in our coffee shop "How is Caroline? Still annoying as ever."

"Bethany, she's you're sister." Mom sighs as I flick my hair back.

"Unfortunately." I mutter "Though I have disowned her, and I have a new sister now. Hayley, we understand each other more than Caroline and I ever could." Mom leans forward and takes my hand

"Bethany I know you, I know that when something doesn't go your way, it's never good. But you can find the light a better way to grieve your loss."

"I'm fine. I've dealt with most of it. Daniel is dead and Sophia is better off without me. I'm dangerous, I married into a dangerous and unsafe world. I am at the heart of it. I love you but I don't need you or Elijah to tell me how to deal with my shit." I stood up and walked off


I found Elijah looking down at a meeting between Marcel and Davina. I pinned him up against a wall

"You brought my mother here? Are you insane? You invited her to the heart of a war between species." I seethed

"I only sought to help. You have been..."

"Dealing with stuff, emotions grief, loss. My children are gone Elijah our children. I needed time, I needed to deal with it in my own way, slaughtering witches who keep me from my light is how i deal with it, punishing and embracing who I am is one of the few things I do to cope so I do not turn everything off, believe me it is tempting. What I don't need is you endangering my mother in the middle of a war zone." I shoved him back then let go.

"I'm not something you can fix Elijah. I need to fix myself and being around Klaus, the lack of judgement from him and Hayley is why I am with them. They don't expect anything off me, you do. You expect me to keep it together to freak out then not freak out. I can't, accept that." I leave and go back down to the dungeon. I bit my wrist and force feed it to Oliver then release him

"You can go, I'm bored of playing with you." I sigh and walk out. I sit outside my favourite coffee shop. Yet, I wasn't alone for long. Davina sat down across from me.

"Oh deep joy, what do you want little witch." I grumble

"I just saw your husband ordering people about." she replied and I looked up with a lazy gaze

"So... Elijah is not my problem , right now. Not giving a shit takes up all my time." I took a bite of my croissant.

"I know you Bethany...."

"Apparently a lot of people know me. Here is what you and everyone doesn't get, the me you know changed four months ago. I had to send my daughter away because she wasn't safe, my son is gone as well and everything thinks I will carry on as normal. I can't and I won't. I just want to be left alone Davina, I want to wallow and spiral into my own fucked up hole because being me is really shit. Just leave me alone." Tears were rolling down.

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