Chapter 52 - Freya

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I hear a fight between him and Finn. He was in the process of killing him, I sped and held him against the wall.

"Causing trouble without me is completely rude of you. Not to mention not answering my phone call." I comment as Elijah stands behind me.

"I was a little bit busy, love." I look back down to the man

"I can see that. Unfortunately, we need him alive. Well the body not the soul, now can I let go without you going all macho man which then I will have to embarrassingly kick your ass for." He huffed out a breath and I let go. I turned to Finn.

"Now, how shall I deal with you." I breath.

"Just let him die." Nik protested

"Finn, yes but the witches want the body he inhabits. Vincent Griffith. Lord knows why." I sigh flicking my hair back away from my face.

"What else do they want a parade? Free broomsticks for all?" Nik retorted as Elijah finally turned up and followed me here.

"This alliance could be greatly beneficial to us all." Elijah reasoned

"Yes and I did not almost backfire a meeting for you to be the reason it all goes to shit." I add folding my arms

"Yes, well, currying some witches favour does not concern me. Especially when we have one who is ten times more powerful" he rebuffed gesturing to me

"It should." came a voice and we turned our attention to a blonde standing before us "Witch allies can prove valuable." she walked past us and over to Finn

"Freya. Freya, help me." he wheezed coughing up blood. So this was the bitch who brought him back and in turn killed Kol.

"Don't worry brother, I won't let them hurt you." she lifted up a pendant and started chanting. Finn screamed then looked up scared

"Who are you?" he questioned, what had she done to him, not that I was sort of grateful either way but was it torture or something else.

"Sleep." she sent him into a slumber as Nik stepped forward and away from the two of us to address his long lost sister and the cause of our troubles in my opinion.

"What did you do to him?" He questioned, Freya turned to him toying with her pendant necklace.

"Finn is now safe from harm. And his hatred of you can no longer do damage to our cause." she explained glancing between the three of us. I gazed on her with the highest suspicion, I didn't like or trust her. Not one bit.

"Our Cause?" Elijah wondered

"Yes, ours. And now if you two can stop arguing long enough perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal." she clasped her hands behind her back with a small smile.

"What could you..." I moved past both men and instinctively the stood behind me "possibly offer us besides fairytales and lies?" Her head tilted as her eye fell on me.

"Brothers, does my sister in law speak for you?" she flitted between them, I raised my eyebrow. I didn't say anything though, but from behind me I felt them shift. "I see. Whatever you may think of me....sister, know this: When I speak to you, it is the truth. If any of you have any doubts, remember it was I who rescued Rebekah from Pauline Cottage."

"Was it not also you who led Finn on his vile mission to take our children lives?" Elijah stepped forward past us women and near to the unconscious body of Vincent Griffith

"The threat to Hope and Daniel came from Finn not me." she explained

"Speak our children's names again and it will be the last names you speak." I glare at her.

"The brother I knew would never have stooped to threaten three children. And yes, Bethany I do count your eldest in there. Our mother destroyed him." they looked down on Vincent. "Like she did me, you, everything she touched." Freya turned to Nik.

"Do not speak as though we are familiars. We know nothing of you." Freya grabbed my arm and I winced seeing a vision of a mother and child separation.

"Do you think me a liar?" she let go of my wrist.

"That proves nothing but your ability to harness my gifts to conjure your illusions." I snap at her

"I only used you because I know that you've cast a protection spell over my brothers. For them to see, it had to be through you. Before you dismiss me, you should know this. If I've woken from my slumber, then Dahlia has as well. Once she sensed your children's magic she will come for them. And she has the power to kill anyone who stands in her way. Unless we kill her first." Freya explained as I watched her very carefully.

"It's quite convent, isn't it?" Nik asks "You show up in the nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you sent a thousand years!"

"You have no idea what it took to escape her, or what I lost in the trying. Her punishment will be profound." Freya retorts

"Enough." I state my head tilting "Say I did trust you and I do say just me because I'm sure Finn gave you the in and out of us. Do you even have something remotely close to a plan or an idea?" I question her

"Given the proper materials, yes. I've sent father to procure them." she answered me

"You put the life of our children in the hands of Mikael." Nik exclaimed exasperated and went to leave.

"Nik." i call stopping him "Whether we like it or not, she knows the threat we now face, to boot she actually wants to share." he turns back around to face us.

"Well, excuse me if I'm not inclined to trust the mysterious sister we only just met. But by all means, if you wish to entertain this idiocy have at it." he sped off in a mood and I turned to the two.

"Thank you, your kindness is much appreciated." she smiled, I blew as raspberry and speed off as well. I went back to check on the children. Daniel was screaming his head off.

"What's wrong, my prince." I cooed as Pippa handed his to me. Sophia was happily drawing away like her brother wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs. I cradled him close humming a tune my mother used to sing to me and sat down beside my daughter.

"What are you drawing sweetheart?" I ask

"Bad Dream. scary lady is mean." she posted to the picture " She's very bad and want Danny and Hope." her short sentences shook me.



Pippa had left to rejoin the pack and I sat on the couch with a sleeping Sophia and Daniel when Elijah returned home. He removed his coat and sat next to me.

"Are you planning to question Vincent?" I wonder running my hand soothingly down the children back's.

"I am. Once I've questioned him to my satisfaction I shall release him once again to the witches." he explained and I nodded in understanding. "I appreciated your help this afternoon, my love."

"Was that before or after I called LaRue out on her bull..." I stopped glancing down

"Both." I handed Daniel over to him and stood only to lift Sophia into my arms and take her too her new room. When I came out, I saw that Elijah had put Daniel to bed as well and I sipped off into our room.

"Elijah, my zip is stuck." I bit my lip glancing backwards. He sped over and I turned to face away. Elijah brushed my hair to the side and slowly unzipped my dress. His finger traced up my back as he slipped it off my shoulders and kissed my neck.


That night I was awoken by my phone ringing incessantly, I groaned turning over from the warmth and comfort of my husband to answer it.

"Hello?" I mumbled

"Beth. It's need to come back"

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