Chapter 18 - Finding Elijah

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A scream was let out from the current witch I was torturing, trying to find out information on Elijah. The witch passed out and I sighed dropping the knife and spending out to my room. Hayley and Nik joined me as I washed my hands.

"I see the interrogation is going well." Hayley commented

"Humm, turns out witches are delicate little flowers." I reply, Nik stops me and grabs a flannel wiping my face and the blood covering it. "No matter, though. It's as we expected."

"My mother has Elijah captive?" I hummed in response the took the flannel and wipe  my bare stomach, I only had my sports bra and legging on during my interrogation.

"Well let's go get him then." Nik and I stared at her.

"Esther is too powerful, she's already blocked most of my attempts." I shoved Nik and Hayley out of my room.

"Beth is right, she needs to be lured out." Nik adds complying with my silent command to leave and I begin to close the door.

"What are you doing?" Hayley questioned and I stopped mid close to reply to her

"I'm going to finish cleaning up and then I'm going to find my husband." I told her

"I want to help." I glance at Nik and he shrugs then I turn my gaze back to Hayley.

"I know you do Hayley, but you can't. Esther is a bitch. She will target you in order to thwart us. We can't focus on saving Elijah when we're trying to save you. Besides, Oliver is still missing and he's apart of your pack, be Queen and find him." I close the door and strip going to clean myself up.


Nik and I are back at the old, burnt out plantation house that was home for the first few months that we were here. We dug up Esther's coffin which held her original body. The two of us pulled it out. Nik looked up.

"What?" I ask

"She's watching, the birds, they're starlings. Are you watching this mother?!" he calls as I grab the can of gasoline and begin to pour it on "Nothing says 'I loathe you' quite like desecrating a corpse. I took out a lighter and flighted it open.

"Bethany, Niklaus!" I heard the familiar voice of my husband and turned around. Elijah's figure walked into the burnt out house and and shared a look with Nik before we followed. He stood playing a few notes on the old piano. He smiled at us. Something was off, something was very off.

"You seem troubled." he commented "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were worried." he barely acknowledged me.

"What has she done to you, Elijah?" I question stepping forward and his gaze fell on me

"A thousand years of murder and mayhem and mother still believes she can save our souls." He answered making his way around the piano "She wants to talk. Perhaps we should listen."

"No, she want's to dictate, as usual. Elijah, what did she do to you. I know she did something because I can't feel you, even now as you stand before me. There is...." i raised my hand and using my magic threw a chair into nothingness.

"A subterfuge." I turn to him

"Enough of the petty illusions, Esther! Where is Elijah?" Nik calls out and takes my hand in his.

"He's preoccupied." we turn seeing Esther as Lenore "I'm helping him find his way. Worry, not Bethany, I will return him to you. All I ask is that the two of you hear me out." she tried to assure me.

"You expect us to sit through a sermon of your lies." Nik rebutted

"I have lied in the past, to my shame. But now I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm in the process of making Elijah into the man he was meant to be. And I intend to do the same with the two of you. My son and My daughter." she walked forward and I held onto Nik's hand

"There is nothing wrong with us, Esther. You're just to blind to see it. Give him back to me." I glare at her and she smiles softly then looks around

"This plantation, ruined by fire. How sad. Not to mention symbolic. After all you never intended to build a true home here unlike Elijah and Bethany. Even as Hayley carried your child. As Elijah, Bethany and Rebekah sought to defend you, your thoughts were focused on your conquest of the Quarter. Tell me, how did that go?" she berated him

"I'm sorry is this some sort of motherly critique?" Nik wondered "Please feel free to choke on it." I smiled internally

"I mention your failures only to make a point, my dear. You've endured several lifetimes of misery. Never mind the suffering you've cause others, even to your own blood. You yourself remain trapped in a perpetual state of despair. And you Bethany, who showed such promise walking into school day after day working to pursue your passion in dance, now it is a life of murder, torture and pain. Consumed in a life forced upon, that you never wished for. I have come to offer the two of you a means to escape that cycle." She rambled on

"And that's about all the hypocrisy I can take, I don't know about you. I suggest you give us Elijah back before she gets angry. Beth why not a little preview?" The house started rattling and the piano caught fire once more.

"Such hatred. It breaks my heart to see you like this. The boy i loved and the girl who I wish to love." she responded

"Your love was a curse." Nik spoke louder as the house continued to shake "An effect you feigned. The truth is you're not better than Mikael. And like him you seem to have crawled back from the grave simply to ruin your own children." I stopped seeing her reaction to the news of mikael

"She didn't know. She didn't know about Mikael." i pointed at her

"Oh, yes. The destroyer has risen. Brought back to kill me by the witch Davina. Well, surely Kol has revealed everything to you." Nik smirked

"Of course he didn't, she may have brought him back into a new body but his loyalties never really lay with her. Did they, why would they?" i detached myself from Nik and walked around "Two women to be Matriarch of this family, clearly he'll choose the one who really loves and cares for him. That's me by the way. Not you. Poor Esther."

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