Chapter 20 - Come Home, My Love

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Nik and I made our way out onto the porch, it had become dark and Esther was still on the other side of the boundary spell I had created. Esther was waiting she looked at her watch.

"You came out earlier than I expected. No matter, it is time." she stated

"Time for what?" I questioned

"You said you wanted Elijah. He's sleeping chained to the wall of a tomb in Lafayette Cemetery. I've lifted the spell that hides him, you a free to take him home. Now his own mind will work out his choice for him. When he wakes he will make his own decision. Every single thing I have told to you has been the truth. Whether you choose to believe is is up to you." I gasped feeling my connection to him return.

"Nik, let's go." we raced off and we made our way into the cemetery free of any spells. We heard fighting and sped of in that direction. We stopped seeing a man finishing off a group of wolves. we helped with the last two and he held the back and of a pick axe He looked up, Nik stumbled back and grabbed my wrist. I turned to him confused.

"You." I looked back at the man

"Niklaus? Autumn?" He questioned us and Nik pulled me back


"Niklaus! Autumn!"

"No! You are a phantom conjured by Esther. That is all you are." Nik pulled me away past the man "Mother, stop this charade! I know that thing is not real." he called out

"Nik, what's going on who is he?" I wonder looking back.

"Look at me Niklaus, Autumn." I turned around

"My name is Bethany, not Autumn. Autumn was my ancestor, who are you? What are you? Tell me now before i get mad." I order

"I am flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood. Autumn is my granddaughter."

"You're Ansel." I breathed then looked back at Nik "He's your father?"

"You've been dead a thousand years." Nik let go of my wrist and made his way over to him

"Through that time, I lingered on the other side. Watching you let the world fall apart. Watching you find some light in her." his eyes drifted towards me "As an example. Until I woke, four moons past in a land of wolves like myself."

"No, No. You are just in our head. Your an illusion. Meant by my mother to sway me to accept her bargain." he denied

"Nik, he's real." I told him walking over and Nik looked at me "I can feel him a familial connection like I have with you. Do you speak for her?" I ask Ansel.

"I do not speak for Esther. I know nothing of her bargains." he joined us "You are my son, and you are my many great granddaughter." he raised his hand softly and Nik grabbed it.

"Even if what you say is real you are nothing to me. For all I care you can crawl back to hell. Beth." we sped off leaving Ansel alone in a sea of bodies. We found Elijah.

"Elijah." i breath and race over ripping the doll and burning it. Nik broke the chains and i held onto him

"Elijah, wake up. Wake up my love. Come on." I move to cradle him and tapping his cheek.

"He won't wake. Not yet." we heard Esther "Which give us one last chance to discuss my offer." Nik stood as i removed his bindings

"You promised us Elijah's safe return. What was that, a lie? Just like that goulash atrocity outside claiming to be my father back from the dead. Bethany, take him home. Now." I nodded and used all my strength to lift up my husband and speed off.

We reached the compound and laid him in our room, on the floor at first.  I stroked his faced kissed his head

"Your home, Elijah. You're back with me." I whisper and get to work. I strip him of his clothes and grab a large bow of water and cloth. Then began to wash away the visible evidence of everything he had been through, He had a would that was not healing, I would study that in more detail when he was in bed.  Hayley and Nik  rejoined me.

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