Chapter 41

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**Harry's P.O.V**

After the long flight from NY to London, we finally arrived at my new house.

"Wow. It's pretty fancy." Leslie said, elbowing me jokingly, a smile lighting up her face. She looked so beautiful when she smiled...

"Well, get used to it. This might be our house soon." I said to her, as I took her hand to show her around.

"Yeah.. So.. Are we going to live in London then?" she asked me when we entered the house.

"I thought London would be the easiest for the band... But we could always think about that later, that's way off in the future. Now, how about I make my fiancé some tea?" I said, we kissed briefly before we went to the kitchen.

After we drank our tea, I decide Leslie probably wanted to put her suitcase upstairs.

"Ok, so the view of the city is amazing here!" she said, as she looked out of the large window placed at the top of the stairs, it was starting to be later at night.

When we set our suitcases down in the bedroom, Leslie had decided that she wanted to change into some pajamas. So I decided to, also switch to a more comfortable shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

"Harry..." she said, softly while she stood in front of me.

"What is it love?" I asked her, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face.

"It's just... How are we going to work this out? I mean... I have a job... And so do you.. But they are in different areas of the world. I just don't want to be apart anymore." she said, I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her head into my shoulder.

"It's going to be just fine. We'll work it out, and trust me, I don't want to be away from you either. That's why I want to marry you." I reminded her, briefly kissing her forehead.

"But.. How can I keep riding and you stay in the band and still be together?" she asked, I could tell she was upset.

"Leslie, I love you will all my heart. And, I am positive that we will find a way to work this out" I said to her, pressing a kiss to her lips.


**Leslie's P.O.V**

The next morning I awoke in Harry's arms.

"Good Morning." he whispered into my ear, as he played with my hair.

"Hey" I whispered, the words barely escaping from my mouth.

"The boys and I have to go in to a meeting for a couple of hours. Will you be alright here?" he asked, as we both got out of bed.

"Yep, I'll just watch a couple movies or something, I will be just fine." I said, kissing him before he could reply.

"Ok... Well, I'll be home as soon as I can and then we'll go out somewhere in town, sound good?" he asked me.

"Sounds great! Will the guys be coming with us?" I asked him.

"Depends on if they have other things to do, but I decided I had better ask them. Niall and Louis would never let me live it down if we went out and left them at home." he replied, smiling at the thought of his friends.

"I'll see you soon ok? Call me if you need anything." he said, wrapping me in a hug and kissing me briefly before walking downstairs and out the door.

I looked down at my left hand, it was still surreal to have the engagement ring on my finger. It was beautiful, and must have cost a small fortune..

Realizing that I was going to be married to Harry Styles meant that I would probably spend numerous mornings just like this one.. with him having to go to rehearsal or meetings or interviews. But, I would get used to it.. eventually. That's just what happens when you are engaged to a member of the biggest boy band in the world.

My stomach growling reminded me that it was 9 in the morning and I hadn't yet had anything to eat. So I decided to walk downstairs to the kitchen.

As I made my way down the large flight of stairs, I suddenly lost feeling in my legs. They stopped moving.


When I woke up I was sitting on the couch, with many faces staring at mine.

"She's awake!" I head one of the faces say... Liam?

"What.. h-happened?" I asked, the words eventually coming to me.

Another face came closer, and took my hand. Harry.

"I came home from my meeting and you were lying at the foot of the stairs, unconscious. You must have fallen. Are you alright?" Harry asked me, his eyes were focused on mine.

"Well.... All I remember was not feeling my legs. That's it." I said, I could instantly see Harry's face droop.

"We have to get her to a doctor, what if..." Liam was cut off by Niall before he could finish.

"Why don't we let Leslie eat something and fully wake up before we rush to conclusions?" He said, smiling faintly at me.

"Yeah, I am hungry. I'll just go and.." I tried to finish but Louis had already flew off the couch.

"I'll get you something! You stay right there!" he said, and then he was gone, into the kitchen.

Louis eventually came back with a full out breakfast.

As I ate, the guys eventually moved on to talking about normal things, like their families, the band, and random things like what they were planning on doing during their next trip to Australia.

When I finished, I looked down to see what I was wearing, I was still in my pajamas! I decided to go back upstairs and change quickly.

But trying to get up was a challenge. I attempted to put weight on my legs, but they just wobbled and I fell back down on the couch. I looked around the room, hoping none of the guys had seen me and started to worry, luckily, they had been in a deep conversation. Just one more try....

I finally got up on my feet, and waked (very unsteadily) to the staircase.

"Leslie, let me help you!" Harry said, as he walked over to me.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken from my fall I guess, but I'll be alright. Don't worry about me." I said, smiling weakly at him as I attempted the first step.

I tried to force my leg up, but it wouldn't move. No matter how hard I tried.

I couldn't help it. I broke down in tears.

"Shhh.. you're fine. We'll get you to a doctor and they can figure it out. You're going to be ok." he said, pulling me close to him as he whispered in my ear.

"What if... I'm never the same though? What if I can't ride or do anything normal?" I asked him, between the tears.

"Listen to me, you are the strongest girl I have ever met. You have been through this with the accident, its probably the same thing. You'll be ok. I just know it." he said "Now, let's get you to a doctor so they can have a look at you." he said, kissing me before helping me walk out the door to his car.

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