Chapter 12

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**Harry's P.O.V.**

"Hey, love, people are starting to stare" I whispered to Leslie.

"Oops, I better hop on the bus before it leaves me" she said sheepishly.

"I love you" I said to her as she let go of my hand and headed towards the bus.

"Me too, I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked, almost at the steps of the bus.

"Of course" I said to her smiling, she then turned and climbed on the very large bus full of American athletes.

"HARRY! I was so worried that a crazed fan had attacked you!" Louis said as he ran towards me, followed quickly by Liam, Niall, and Zayn.

"No crazed fans, I just did something I've been wanting to do for a while" I said to my four friends, grinning.

"You finally set things straight with Leslie didn't you? What happened?" Louis said.

"Well, we kissed, and I think we are more than friends now" I said to the others, Zayn winked.

"It's about time, I was sick of you two looking at each other like lost puppies!" Niall exclaimed, we all laughed.


**Leslie's P.O.V**

The bus was crazy, everybody was pumped from the ceremony.

As much as I tried to join in on conversations about how well the games went and such, my thoughts kept switching back to Harry and how elated I was that the spark between us had finally lit.

"What happened to you when we were walking out? I lost you!" karina said to me.

"I saw somebody I knew and we started talking" I replied, attempting to mask the huge grin unfolding on my face.

"Did this person happen to be a certain Harry Styles??" she replied, winking.

I felt my face turn a brilliant red "Yeah" I said, the smile coming out at full force now.

"Oh boy, Leslie's in love" she said, much louder than I had wanted.

Soon, we had arrived at the front of the hotel that all of us had become very familiar with.

As I walked down the steps and towards the door of the hotel, I heard a voice nearby.

"Hey, I saw you and you little 'boyfriend' just now. It won't last Leslie, then you can find a real man." Ryan said to me.

"I guess we will see about that." I replied, turning towards the elevator that Karina was motioning me towards.

When I heard that familiar click of the hotel room door unlocking, I was immediately hit by a wave of tiredness, it must be one o clock at night! I instantly got to bed, and fell asleep.

That night, I had one of the best dreams ever, I dreamt of Harry.


The next morning, I had remembered that I promised my parents I would meet up with them. Hmmm.. I wondered, maybe Harry would like to come along.

"Dad? Hi, where were you guys thinking if meeting me today?" I asked my father, it hit me how much being away from my family really bothered me.

"I think your mother wanted to go on the London eye before we left, want to meet us there at 2?" he asked. "Yes! I really want to go on that too! Do you mind if I bring a friend?" I answered, hoping they wouldn't mind if I brought Harry along.

"Of course! It would be great to meet some of the people you have been hanging out with, see you soon!" my dad answered before hanging up the phone.

Now I had to call Harry and see if he would come with me, I really hoped he would, it would make me feel like everything that had happened last night wasn't just my imagination.

He answered on the first ring "Hi love, I was just about to call you!" he said, well at least he was thinking of me, I thought.

"Hi, I was um, wondering if you wanted to come to the London eye with my parents and I?" I questioned, with much uncertainty.

"hmm.. Let me see, I have the day off... And I was really hoping to spend it with somebody and if she is going to the London eye with her parents then I guess I will just have to go too!" he replied, I was smiling like a fool.

"I was hoping you would say that. I'm meeting them at two so, I'll see you then?" I asked him.

"Let me see, you don't have a vehicle right? So how about I come over at one thirty so I can drive you there." oh my gosh. He was doing the whole cute boy picks up girl and takes her places thing. Geez my thoughts are so corny!

"Actually, that would be great! I am so sick of the buses and taxis now you don't even know!"

"I will see you soon then my lady. Don't miss me too much!" he replied, then we both hung up our phones.

When one twenty came around my excitement level was really high. I was already in the foyer of the fancy hotel I was staying at, chatting with a few fellow American Olympians that were staying at the same hotel, while I waited for Harry to come.

Just then I saw a curly haired boy in a white t shirt and a pair of converse walk into the room. Harry.

He strode over to me instantly, it was like he knew exactly where I was going to be, the room was not small by any means and it was bustling with people.

"You look wonderful today." he whispered into my ear before kissing me on the forehead.

"Well I guess you don't look too bad either, but we should probably get going, my parents will worry if I'm too late." I mentioned to him.

We were soon hand in hand, walking towards Harry's (very nice) car.

"Is that your car?" I asked him, pointing out the black Audi parked right in front of the hotel.

He chuckled. "Yes, were you expecting something different? I AM Harry Styles." he said to me, looking amused with himself.

"Tease me all you want but I don't think I fell in love with a popstar rather, some guy I ran into at a coffee shop." I teased him back.

"I see how it is, miss gold medalist." he said while turning on the car, the whole different side of the vehicle had really thrown me off at first.

We just chatted in the car, I told him about my parents, how the are just a couple of small town American folks. He listened to me the entire time, sometimes asking me questions and never letting go of my right hand.

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