Chapter 42

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-- Thank You to everybody who has read this! I am terribly sorry for the extremely sporadic updates, I just haven't found the time to sit and write. I would like to tell you that this fanfic is nearing its end, stay tuned! --

**Harry's P.O.V**

Leslie was finally called into the doctor's office. "Come with me." she said, silently pleading as she stood up.

The nurse took us into a room.

"Harry... I'm scared." She said, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

I grabbed her hand, and looked into her eyes. "Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. I love you more than anything." I said to her. "Okay." she said, looking down.

Soon, the doctor entered the room.

"Alright, Leslie, so you had a fall over a year ago, that hurt your spine?" he asked her.

"Yes. They told me that I hurt the part that controlled my movement. It healed very quickly though, I was back to competing in a couple of months. But, today I noticed that sometimes my legs just wouldn't move even when I was trying." she said, looking at me the entire time.

"Well, let's get some X-rays, and then go from there. It seems as though the fracture never fully healed, but, if you walked in here that's a good sign, it just might be touch and go from now on." the doctor said, leaving the room.

A few minutes later a nurse came in to take Leslie down to get X-rays.

"Could you please move to the waiting room sir? We will tell you when she's finished." the nurse said to me, I walked down the hall to the crowded waiting room.

While I waited for Leslie to come back from getting the X-rays, I decided to tell Zayn what was going on, he would tell the others, and the was on his phone the most.

To: Zayn

Leslie just went to get X-rays. They think her movement might just be touch and go. Will tell you when we know 100%.

**Zayn's P.O.V**

The four of us were sitting in Niall's living room, waiting for news about Leslie. We all knew how much she meant to Harry, and to be honest, we had all become really close with her.

"Guys, Harry just texted me! He says that Leslie is going for X-rays now and they think that her movement might just be touch and go from now on." I told them, Liam was the first to speak.

"Well.. that's good right? That means that she will be able to walk.. she is now. Maybe they think that she might just have some random accidents like today? I really hope it's nothing more. They've been through enough." Liam said, he really did have a heart of gold.

"She'll be fine no matter what happens. We've all got her back!" Niall said, Louis was agreeing with him.

**Leslie's P.O.V**

"Ok, now just have a seat in the waiting room, the doctor will call you in when he has read the X-rays." the nurse said to me, after I changed back into my normal clothes.

"Hey." Harry said, as I sat down beside him.

"Hi... I can't wait to just get out of here." I told him, he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer.

"We will be back before you know it. I think the guys are planning on ordering food when we get back, I've been keeping them updated." he said. No matter what happened, Harry could always comfort me, which was exactly what he was doing right now.

"Leslie Whitaker" a nurse called into the waiting room, Harry and I both stood up and made our way over to the room she led us to.

Just a few minutes later, the doctor came in once again.

"Well Leslie, it seems that my prediction was correct. Your spine still looks a bit disrupted, but, seeing as you are walking fine at the moment, your motion is still fine. I think it will be touch and go, its not 100%. I would suggest not competing as much, if at all. It's just too risky, as far as we can tell there are no warning signs of your brain's communications not reaching your legs." he said.

It was too much to handle. This stranger was telling me that I shouldn't be competing anymore.

"So.... You're saying that I shouldn't compete?" I asked him. The information was still difficult for me to process.

"It's suggested. You wouldn't want to risk another fall of that magnitude again. But, if you want to at least lessen the amount of competitions by 75% that would be alright." he said.

All I wanted to do right then was bury my face in Harry's chest and let him comfort me until I felt better. But this wasn't the time and place for that.

"Ok.. I'll lessen my schedule. If it doesn't happen again can I pick up a full schedule?" I asked him, hoping I would get a yes.

"I think that's a question to ask your original doctor back home." he said, as he left the room.

"Come on love, let's go." Harry said, taking my hand as we walked out of the office.

"They just basically asked me to stop doing what I love! How can I do that?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around him when we reached his car.

"Its just because they don't want you to get hurt any worse. It'll be ok, just trust me." he said, his green eyes staring directly into mine.

"Okay." I whispered, before we got into the car.


"We got pizza, I hope that's ok, Niall was insistent." Louis said to me, wrapping me in a huge bear hug the second I walked into Harry's house.

"It sounds great." I said, smiling at my friend as I walked into the kitchen to get some food.

I grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down at the table beside Niall, Harry sat on the other side of me.

"They don't want me to compete." I announced to my friends, looking down at my plate most of the time.

"Are you going to?" Liam asked me.

"I don't know.. I thought about just cutting down my schedule to less shows." she replied.

"Well if you decide to stop altogether, you can always tour with us!" Niall said, wrapping his arm around me as a friendly gesture.

"We'll see, I just don't want to give up something I love so much." I told them. They all nodded in agreement.

They guys stayed for another few hours, we just sat around and chatted, they really were the best people ever. They could cheer anybody up, I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met these boys just over a year ago.

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