Chapter 33

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**Leslie's P.O.V**

"oh I just wish I didn't have to leave tonight" I said, leaning into Harry as we walked down the bustling street.

"Well... You could always stay with us, Louis would let you stay in his room with him." he said, playing with my scarf.

"Hmm.. I guess leaving won't be THAT bad!" I said, laughing.

We finally reached our destination, a very secluded park. We sat down on the grass.

"Baby you don't have to worry, I'll be coming back for you." he sang to me, kissing my cheek.

"You missed" I said, leaning towards him and kissing him. He chuckled, before wrapping his arms around me and kissing me again.

"Leslie, you do know that I hate leaving you just as much as you hate leaving right? Every time you are gone I feel like a part of me is missing, but, we both have to do our jobs right? I know we can make it. I just know." he said to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I know" I said, wrapping my arms around him, he held me close. I didn't want this moment to stop. Ever.


"The lads and I have made you a care package, since we don't know when we will see you again. Well, you'll be seeing Harry next week but the rest of us." Niall said, Liam, Zayn, and Louis right beside him. Liam handed me a large box.

"How much did you guys pack??" I asked them, Harry was standing beside me, laughing at his friends. Oh these boys! I thought.

"Just the essentials. Our new CD, our DVD, some of our favorite films, an album of pictures of us. Like I said, essentials. We don't want you missing us too much!" Louis said, giving me a hug.

"You guys are too much! But thank you, I will be sure to use each and every one of these items if I need some One Direction time." I said, going up and giving Zayn, Niall, and Liam a hug.

"You really are the best friends someone could ask for." I said to them.

"Awww.. But you better go catch you plane sweet cheeks!" Zayn said, pointing to the door of the airport.

"I guess this is goodbye.. Again" I said to Harry.

We kissed, just briefly.

"I will see you next week love." he said to me, squeezing me tight before I turned to the door.

I waved to the five boys who were behind me, they waved back. Who knew I could get so attached to a small group of people?

**Harry's P.O.V**

"She really loves you mate." Zayn said to me, as we played a game of pool.

"Zayn, I'm kind of scared to meet her family next week. I mean, what if they don't like me? It would hurt her so much." I said to my friend.

"Harry... Do you really think that they could not like you? Her parents do! The rest can't be any different." he said, hitting a ball into a pocket.

"I guess.. Well we will find out next thursday right? Thanksgiving... It always seemed like a holiday I would never celebrate." I said. Zayn nodded.

"Apparently the food is really good though, I think Niall is kind of jealous." Zayn replied.


"Ok guys.. I'm going to FaceTime Leslie, shh" I said to my friends, who were currently running rampid around the hotel room. Only them.

"Hi!" I heard Leslie say, seeing her face made being away a little better.

"Can I ask.. Where are you??" I asked her, I could hear birds chirping and something rustling around in the background.

"OH! Well... I was cleaning stalls when I saw you calling so I decided to sit down in Remy's stall." she said. She looked adorable with straw in her hair, I thought.

"you are such a dork!" I teased her, she blushed a little, and then giggled.

"Sorry, I didn't want to talk to you and walk at the same time, that could be deadly for me!" she said to me, I could see the horse on the screen.

"So that's Remy?" I asked her.

She turned around to pat the horse who was currently resting his nose on her shoulder.

"Yeah, they would normally all be out when I do stalls but, it's raining here today, and I don't like having them out in the cold rain." she said, making a pouty face.

"I miss you, when I come can I meet all of your horses?" I asked her.

Her face lit up. "Yes! Well I mean, if you're staying with me then I would have to do chores anyway." she said.

"Good. Maybe you can even get me on a horse." I said, Liam started laughing uncontrollably at this point.

Apparently leslie thought it was funny too. "Of course, You'll have to ride either Jezzabelle or my old horse, Wichita. They are the most forgiving to inexperienced riders." she said.

"Ok, well love, we are flying to London in a bit, but I will see you on Wednesday, I love you!" I said to her.

After we hung up, I walked down the hall to the room the rest of the guys were in.

"DID YOU REALLY SAY YOU WERE GOING TO RIDE A HORSE?? I WILL NEED PICTURES!!" Louis said, tackling me as I walked in the room.

"Yeah, I figured I'd try to do what she loves you know? If it makes her happy it must not be that bad." I said, walking to where they kept their food to grab some.

"Ok curly, just make sure there are plenty of pictures on twitter, that's all I'm saying." he replied.

--what do you think? Should I post smaller chapters like this one daily, or post longer chapters only once or twice a week?--

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