Chapter 4

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**Leslie's P.O.V.**

After a long day at Greenwich Park, the U.S.A. Equestrian team was very happy with their success during the qualifications, each member had qualified for the individual! 

As the excitement at the barn was dying down I decided to head back to the hotel, I mean, I had to get ready to go to dinner with One Direction! I felt like the luckiest girl in the world!

When I climed into the cab, I heard my phone. When I checked it I had a text from a number that I didn't recognize. 


Hey Leslie! Its Zayn, we were thinking of eating at the Italian restaurant right by Olympic Park, what do ya think?

Zayn Malik just sent me a text!! I was fangirling for a second as I was deciding what I should say. I settled with:


Sure! See you guys soon! :)

Wow. In just two hours I was going to be eating dinner with one of the most popular boy bands ever. I had better get ready!

When I walked to the closet in my hotel room I realized that I didn't know what to wear. Should I wear jeans or a dress? I finally decided to wear a new white, lacy shirt I had just bought with some skinny jeans and a pair of sandals. It was dressy, but not over the top I thought. 

After I took a shower (I had been with horses all day, I smelled like them!) I towel dried my hair for a bit, put some product in, and straightened my bangs. My typical hair styling routine, I wasn't fancy but, It did the trick. 

When I walked into the living room I checked my phone and saw five new text messages:


Hey! Its Liam, I really hope you can make it to dinner tonight but I don't want you to think you have to come. If you think you need to rest than do that! Don't worry about us!

Of course Liam would be worried that I didn't want to hang out with them.. If only he knew! 


Hey there superstar! We are going to have a blast tonight! Oh its Louis btw :)

There were still three new texts on my phone:


Niall is going to eat me soon! Hopefully you are hungry, we all are!


I AM STARVING! Hey love, can't wait to see you tonight. You were beast on that horse today! - Nialler

Niall and his love for food had always made me laugh I thought as I smiled at my phone, there was one text I had yet to read:


Hi love, good job today. See you later! - Harry

Hmm.. did Harry always seem so.. distant or was I just reading into the text too much? Either way I decided that I had better head over to the restaurant now!

**Niall's P.O.V.**

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed, I had gone three whole hours without having food and we had just pulled into one of my favorite Italian restaurants in London. 

We were meeting Leslie here for dinner, she was a really nice girl. I liked her well enough, she seemed like she would be a cool person to hang out with, unlike some girls!

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