Chapter 44

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-- At the moment I am planning on having 45 chapters in this fanfic, thank you again to all of you who have continued to read this! --

**Leslie's P.O.V**

Three days later, I received a call from my doctor back in America.

"hello?" I answered, wondering why I was getting this call.

"Hi Ms. Whitaker. I have received news that you went to a doctor in London correct? You were having complications from when you fractured your spine?" he asked me. Oh, that.

"Y-yes. He told me not to compete anymore." I said, curious and afraid if what he will say next.

"I am aware. Now, I have looked at the X-rays in great detail. From what I have seen, everything that doctor told you is completely false. You seem to be healed 100% and, the accident that you had was a fluke. I'm not saying it won't happen again, but, the likelihood is very low." he said. I let out a breath, had I really been holding it?

"Thank you so much. So, will I still need to make an appointment?" I asked.

"No. We will just see you when you come in for your annual check ups. Have a good day." the doctor said as he hung up.

Could my life get any better? It seemed as though all of the dark clouds had finally parted and now, there was only room for the wonderful sunshine in my life.

"Babe? You ready to go? We have to be at that interview in an hour!" Harry called from downstairs. Oops. I forgot I was going to tag Harry and the rest of the boys around today, which included going to an interview with them.

"I'll be right there!" I called, grabbing my purse and heading down to where he was.

"I have news." I told him, trying to look as solemn as I could

"Oh no. Do you want me to cancel? It's alright love, we can work it-" he was about to finish when I cut him off.

"the doctor called.." I watched his face suddenly drop.

"..he said-he said that I am 100% better and I have nothing to worry about." I said, watching his expression go from a gloomy one, to one full of shock, life, and happiness.

"that's wonderful!" he said, picking me up and spinning me around before setting mr down to plant a kiss on my lips.

"We finally don't have to worry about anything. Except for wedding plans." I said, wiggling my ring finger.

"And that interview I have to be at, let's go." he said, smiling as he took my hand, and we headed off to wherever in London the interview was today.


"Leslie! My best mate!" Louis said, as he ran towards us in the studio. I glanced over to Harry, he was pretending to look hurt.

"But.... I thought..." Harry started to argue before Louis cut him off.

"Yes Harold, YOU are my #1 best mate, and you always will be." Louis said, smiling at him as he went over and patted him on the back. I will never understand these boys.

"One Direction? Would you please wait in the green room two doors on the left?" a tall, brunette woman said as she walked by.

We went in the room (Louis surprisingly did what he was told) and found the other three already there.

"Hi guys!" I said to all of them, ready to tell them my good news.

"So.. I got a call from my doctor in America today. He said, that the doctor here made a mistake, and that I am 100% healed and the fall was just a fluke that might happen again." I said, watching the different stages of their expressions was priceless.

All four of them came and tackled me with hugs. After they expressed their excitement, Harry came and sat by me, taking hold of my hand.

"One Direction? They are ready for you in the studio." the same woman we saw earlier said to us. We followed her to a room set up with cameras and a couch. I took my place behind the cameras, by Paul.

"Do you hear the screams? That must mean only one thing, One Direction is here!" the interviewer said, the camera on him. This must be a live interview.

The interviewer then introduced all of the boys, and asked them some basic questions about their start on the x-factor.

"Now, I know all of those girls outside want to know... Are any of you dating somebody?" he asked.

"I am." Liam said. Louis and Zayn both said yes also.

"I'm actually engaged to my wonderful and amazing girlfriend. She is the strongest person I know and I just want to spend the rest of my life with her." Harry said, smiling at me when he finished. I saw Paul crack a smile.

"Wow! This is news to me! Will we be expecting a One Direction wedding soon?" he asked.

Harry chuckled a little. "we are both really busy at the moment, so it might be a while before the wedding." he answered.

After another good ten minutes of interviewing, the boys came over to where Paul and I were sitting.

"Paul... Can we stop at nandos pleaseeeee?? It's lunch time and Niall is hungry." Niall said, pretending to pout. Even though these boys were 20 and older, they still acted like children.


**Louis' P.O.V**

2 months later.

It had been two months since Leslie left from her short stay with us here in london. With every day that passed, I could tell Harry got more and more restless. He was starting to be much quieter, he looked tired all the time, and he spent most of his time looking down at his phone, waiting to hear something from leslie.

"Hey mate. Leslie have a competition?" I asked my friend, sitting in one of the vacant seats beside him in the dressing room.

"Yeah. I miss her so much..." he said faintly, looking off in the distance before looking back at me.

"Harry. You have to understand that it is always going to be like this. You two are engaged! You should be happy now! Don't be depressed just because she isn't with you, I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her." I said, making sure he was looking at me the entire time.

"I guess. It's just, when you love somebody so much, it's hard to imagine time away from them. Even if it's just for a day. I want to spend forever with her, not just random weeks at a time, I never want to leave her side." he said.

"listen. Liam, Zayn, and I all feel the same way. We miss our girlfriends too. But that's just part of the job, you have to spend time away." I said to him, getting ready to get up as he responded.

"but you don't understand. You never saw El lying on a hospital bed, unmoving, with little hope of walking, jus weeks after you met and fell in love with her. Having such a close call pulls two people even closer, it just makes it that much harder to leave her. I worry about her constantly. I don't want her to be alone." he said, I could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Maybe you're right. But I'm sure you two will be able to coordinate your schedules more. I mean, she can compete everywhere right? Just see if as can talk to her manager." I said, clapping my hand on my friends back before I left.

**Leslie's P.O.V**

"Brilliant! That was awesome!" My trainer, Jim said to me after I walked into the barn after my ride.

"Thanks.." I mumbled as I picked up my phone and saw a text from Harry. I immediately resounded, we missed each other. Plain and simple.

"Leslie.. You need to stop worrying about they boyfriend all the time. He's just a boy. This is your job." Jim said as he approached me in the aisle of the barn.

"I don't worry about him. I know he's fine with his friends, I just miss him. And he misses me, and he's not my boyfriend, he's my fiancé. See the ring?!?" I said to him as scoffed at me and turned around and walked away.

I really needed to talk to Andy about adding more shows in London and other places Harry and the others would be.


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