Chapter 7

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Thank You so much for the votes and reads! I would actually really like it if you guys gave me some feedback on the fanfic. I want to know how I can make it better and if you like it or not. Thanks so much for reading!!

**Leslie's P.O.V.**

I awoke to the sound of the alarm on my phone. As I got out of bed, I decided to take a quick walk down to Starbucks to get a coffee or a latte and something to eat before I headed over to the barn.

As I walked a thousand things were buzzing through my head, what if I didn't do well? What if my horse gets hurt? Most of my thoughts were negative and I realized that I was really nervous for today. 

I looked down at my phone and realized that I had missed a text from Harry, asking when I would be competing today, I decided I should text him back, feeling very guilty that I had not replied. 


So sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner! I am the last rider for America today soooo I will probably ride sometime around 4? :)

That would do, I thought as I entered the (very busy) Starbucks. 

 I had just ordered a fancy latte and recieved it when..

"Leslie! Fancy meeting you here!" Ryan Lochte said as he approached me, great. Just what I needed, I really had to get moving this morning, Frank would be really upset if I showed up late, even if I was the last rider for the team. 

"Uh, Hi Ryan, I'm really sorry but I kind of need to head over to the barn." I said, pushing my way to the door (people had flooded the small coffee shop with the realization that Ryan was there)

"Oh c'mon, can't we chat just for a minute or two? I really want to talk to you." He said as he brushed his hand against my cheek. I silently shuddered. 

"No actually, I have to go. Bye." I said as I walked out the door and ran into somebody.

"Whoops, sorry, I'll just be on my way now." I said to the man as I walked away. 

"Really? That's the apology I get?" I regocnized the voice immedieatly. 

"Harry! What are you doing here? Don't you have to work today?" I questioned him. "Yeah, but I was stopping by to get some coffee before I went in, this IS my typical Starbucks!" He exclaimed. 

"Right, I sometimes forget that you do live here" I said "Well, I better head off, see you around!" I added, and headed toward a cab that had just parked alongside the curb. 

"Oh.. yeah, you have to go, bye." Harry said to me, as I started walking away, he strode over to me and wrapped me in a huge bear hug. 

"Did you really think I would let you go without saying good luck?!? Well good luck love, maybe I will show up later, if we get done at the studio early." he said to me. "Thanks! And no, I was totally expecting you would say that!" I jokingly replied as I slipped into the cab, Harry was grinning at me like a fool. 

**Harry's P.O.V.**

As her cab pulled away I looked at the Starbucks and realized that I really wasn't up for a coffee this morning. I really had just hoped that I would run into her here, I guess I was right! She was so beautiful and she didn't even know it! She looked like she had just grabbed a shower and went, probably realizing that she would be stuffing it into a helmet in just a matter of hours anyway. I admired that, she didn't put that much effort into what she looked like. 

I climbed into my car and headed off to the studio, today was bound to be another eventful day with the lads, there was really never a dull moment, which was really a great thing. 

As I walked in the studio, I realized that I was just the second one there, after Liam of course, he was always there ten minutes before we had to be in. 

"Hey Liam!" I greeted him. "Harry! Hey I don't think Zayn was expecting to come in today, he just called me and wondered why Paul was banging on his door!" He said to me, just then I heard a great bout of laughter and I saw Niall and Louis walk in followed by a very tired looking Zayn.

The day went by pretty smoothly, we had rehearsed a bit and listened to some tracks, the album was really going to be very good. But every now and then, my thoughts would turn to a blond haired, blue/green eyed girl that was probably really nervous anticipating her upcoming ride. 

"Harry! have you been talking to Leslie? How has she been? I suppose I should just text her huh?" Niall said to me.

"She's been good, I think she's a bit nervous because the first round is today, I ran into her this morning." I replied to Niall, hmm, did he like Leslie too?

"OH! Hmm.. too bad we are in the studio huh? We could have gone over and watched her ride!" He replied, looking down at his phone most of the time, I suspected he was texting Leslie. 

"Yeah, that's kind of unfortunate, but we can't just leave our fans waiting." I replied. We really did have the best fans in the world, they supported every decision we made and had helped us reach so many of our goals so quickly. 


After a few more hours in the studio we were finally done for the day. I looked at my phone and saw that it was exactly four o'clock. Hmm.. I thought to myself, I wonder if she had ridden yet. 

"Hey Zayn, do you want to go over to Greenwich Park with me, maybe watch the end of the Equestrian event?" I called over to my bandmate, I thought he would keep good company, he wouldn't bother me so much about my feeling for Leslie. 

"Um. Sure, is that what that girl we have been hanging out with is in?" He called as he came over to me and hopped in the car. 

"Yeah, I just thought that since most of her friends probably can't watch her here, maybe we could fill in you know?" I said to him as I started to pull out of the studio's parking lot and on to the road. 

"That's actually one of the more considerate things you have said Harry!" Zayn remarked, oh geez, now he was starting to sound like Louis. 

The rest of our trip was pretty normal, we chatted about his girlfriend and the album, and soon, we ahd arrived at Greenwich Park. 

Since Equestrian events were not as popular as ones like football, it was easy for us to snatch up some tickets and climb into the grandstand. 

I had soon realized that all of the American riders had already gone, but with the scores they had recieved, they were in first place, but there were a couple of teams left. 

It didn't take me long to realize that Leslie had gone clear except for one point. I wasn't really sure why there was only one point off but I soon realized that it was because she was a little under the time limit, I was still really proud of her.

I did not just think that did I? Did I really mean it?

"Hey mate, shall we get going now? I think its over." Zayn said to me as the last rider, someone from Brazil, left the ring, the American team was now in second place, after our team. 

"Uh.. sure, lets go" I said to Zayn as we headed out of the grandstands towards the parking lot. 

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