18 - Kissing on the Quidditch Pitch

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All four Ravenclaws woke up to a tapping on their window. It was an owl.

"Why didn't we get that during breakfast?" Astrid moaned, irritated she had been woken up so early – especially on a Saturday.

"It's probably important." Jasmine said, being the first to get out of bed and investigate.

There was a pause as she looked at the letter. "It's from Emmeline."

Suddenly all the girls were out of bed, and crowded round the letter. Jasmine tore open the envelope, and read it out:


I'm really sorry I haven't sent anything to you guys to let you know I'm ok. Spoiler alert: I'm ok. The healers at St. Mungo's recognise the curse that's placed on the book, and they told me I'm very lucky it was put on there by an amateur caster or else they'd never be able to get it off. I still can't let go of the book, but at least I can take my eyes away from the page (hence why I am finally writing this letter to you). I've been told I only need to be kept for a few more weeks as getting my hand off the book is harder than my eyes, apparently. I've been promised I'll be back to Hogwarts in January. See you all soon!

Emmeline xx"

Jasmine breathed a sigh of relief. "She's ok!"

"She's ok." Delilah repeated.

The four girls had never felt so relieved in their life, especially Astrid – who would never have forgiven herself if Emmeline was permanently cursed from a book meant for her.


"First quidditch match of the year, how're we feeling?" Delilah asked the group during breakfast.

"Like I don't really care." Astrid responded. She enjoyed the atmosphere around the stands during quidditch, but the actual match meant nothing to her.

"I'm only bothered if Ravenclaw are playing." Abi said.

"You mean you're only bothered if Ted's playing." Astrid reiterated. None of them had let that secret go, after Abi spilled it at Astrid's birthday. "What about you, Delilah, how are you feeling?"

Delilah shrugged.

"You seemed excited about it no less than 30 seconds ago." Astrid said, confused.

"That was before James walked past me." Delilah said.

"James? Wouldn't that cause the opposite to happen?"

Delilah sighed. She still hadn't told anybody that James asked her out on her birthday, and even more so that he'd been ignoring her ever since.

"What aren't you telling me?" Astrid persisted.

"James has been ignoring me." Delilah said bluntly.

Astrid looked confused. "Why?"

"He asked me out, and I said no."

Suddenly both Jasmine and Abi turned their attention to Delilah. "What?!" The three said in unison.

"When?" Astrid asked.

"On my birthday."

Astrid was flabbergasted. "It's been a week and you haven't said anything?"

"I didn't know what to say! I knew you'd react like this! He asked me out, and I said no, because it was my birthday and I was busy."

"And you didn't, I don't know, ask to rearrange, or something?"

"I was a bit caught up in the moment! And, he walked off before I could say anything."

Astrid didn't know what to say.

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