6 - Ursa Major

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The first day of lessons had left the entirety of Hogwarts quite excited, especially the first-years. Astrid noticed they were significantly louder in the great hall that evening. However, it was quite easy to ignore them as Astrid and Delilah were both enthusiastically talking about their day with the other Ravenclaw girls.

"Can you believe Musnlow this morning?" Jasmine started.

There was an outcry of "oh my god" and "I know, right" from all the other Ravenclaws, except for Abigail – who looked quite perplexed.

"I thought Munslow was chill." She said, remembering back to her O.W.L.s.

Astrid laughed. "Not today! Scared us all with a speech about failing our NEWTs."

"Nobody spoke for the whole lesson – not even James!" Delilah added.

"I heard that same speech from every teacher today." Jasmine said as she rolled her eyes.

Abi smiled gleefully. "I didn't! Professor Trelawney and Professor Scamander were as chilled out as normal. Trelawney even told me she saw bright things in my future!"

Delilah choked on her food. "You don't still believe her predictions, do you?" Delilah had been told many times by Trelawney that there were dark omens in her future – she was also predicted to die by the end of fourth year but was miraculously still standing.

"You're only saying that because you got an 'Acceptable' in your OWL." Abi said, with her O in divination.

"No!" Delilah retorted. "I got an A because divination is bullshit! You can only predict the future if you have 'the gift' which I – evidently – do not. It's a stupid subject, it's too subjective."

"Alright, alright, calm down." Emmeline interrupted. "We all have our own opinions on Divination. Yes, Professor Trelawney isn't always right but she's a good teacher."

Delilah scoffed.

"So, how was charms with the new Professor?" Astrid asked, desperate to change the subject.

"Oh yeah! I don't want to speak ill of Flitwick, but Professor Wingfield is so good!" Jasmine said.

"Speak for yourself!" Emmeline said. "She was far too proper for my taste. She's probably a good teacher but I can't see her lessons being very entertaining. There's something off about her."

Astrid thought Emmeline's answer made sense, considering how professionally she had dressed and the way she presented herself the day before. Jasmine looked a little hurt by Emmeline's statement, but didn't say anything.

"Ok, you've had a day of lessons, which subject are you dropping?" Abi asked Jasmine.

She looked appalled by the question. "I'm not dropping any!"

"You literally said yesterday-"

"I know what I said, but I have since changed my mind. I'm not dropping any." Jasmine said with assurance in her voice.

"How on earth are you going to keep up with homework?" Delilah asked her.

"Maybe you could ask McGonagall for a time turner!" Astrid joked. "You know, back when she was still a teacher, I heard she did that once for a student who took too many OWLs."

"What gave her a time-turner so she could do her homework?" Emmeline queried, not believing a word Astrid was saying.


"That's bollocks." Delilah said. "Anyway, they were all destroyed years ago – you couldn't get one anyway."

"It was a joke." Astrid said. "Anyway, I've got to go now – I have things to do before astronomy this evening."

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