23 - Awkwardness, Misunderstandings and Invisible Horses

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Delilah came down to the courtyard about an hour after Astrid, and met Ted there.

The first thing Delilah noticed was Damian's absence. "Where's Damian?" she asked.

"Ah, yes." Ted replied. "He's in the hospital wing."

"What, why?" Delilah asked worriedly, almost turning to go back to the castle.

Ted held onto her shoulders to stop her moving. "Don't worry, he's fine. Just a little accident in Care of Magical Creatures yesterday."

"What kind of accident?"

"The kind that involves invisible horses."

Delilah looked at Ted with confusion.

"Not important, however. Shall we get going, my lady?" Ted asked, exaggerating a bow and flicking his wrist about eight times.

"We shall my lord." Delilah responded with a curtsey.

"No, my lady! I am a peasant – not worthy of the title lord." Ted continued, pretending to be appalled by her choice of words.

Delilah laughed and smacked Ted's arm. "You idiot. Is this still about potions?"

Ted had been calling Delilah 'your majesty' and 'my lady' all week from across the classroom on account of her trying to help him on Monday.

"Why, yes my queen! You are Queen of Potions after all." Ted said, holding out Delilah's hand and kissing it as if she were royalty.

Delilah sighed. "As funny as it is, you pretending to serve my every demand and all, we should probably get to Hogsmeade."

"I never said I'd serve your every demand!" Ted said, defensively.

"But then what use is a peasant for their queen?" Delilah asked. "I should have you beheaded for that!"

Ted cleared his throat. "What I meant to say, your majesty, would you like me to accompany you to Hogsmeade? I shall carry you if that is what you wish!"

"Carrying will not be necessary, Ted."

"Alright then." And Ted held out his arm. "Shall we be off?"

Delilah looped her arm round Ted's. "We shall."

Neither Delilah nor Ted really fancied buying anything, so they immediately headed for the Three Broomsticks.

"Give me one huge glass of firewiskey please!" Ted said, sitting down at the bar.

"Ted." Delilah said. "You know I love a good firewhiskey, but 11 o'clock in the morning?"

"Firewhiskey is an all-day drink, my lady."

"Can I see some ID please?" the lady behind the bar asked.

"You certainly can." Ted said, proudly. Ted's birthday was late November, so for the first time ever he was buying firewhiskey legally – instead of trying to nick it when no one was looking.

The lady inspected Ted's ID sceptically, but handed it back and poured him a glass of firewhiskey.

"And for you?" She asked, turning to Delilah.

"A butterbeer please."

"Boring!" Ted whispered loudly.

Delilah sighed, and took her drink.

"So, you didn't really tell me – why is Damian in the hospital wing?"

"I think you'll find that you are mistaken there, my lady, I told you." Ted said adamantly. "Invisible horses."

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