38 - Accusations

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It took James until Monday to gather up the courage to admit to Astrid and Delilah what had happened.

He sat through all of transfiguration, barely focusing on what Professor Munslow was saying, attempting to decide the easiest way to break the news.

He eventually decided that there was no easy way.

It wasn't until third period defence against the dark arts that James actually said a word to the two of them all day.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." Delilah replied, a little confused, as James had ignored them since Saturday evening.

"Hey, James can I talk to you before the lesson starts?" Harry said, interrupting.

"Uh, ok." James replied. He turned around and mouthed 'sorry' to Astrid and Delilah, before following Harry into the classroom.

"I went down the corridor that you told me about." Harry started.

James looked up hopefully.

"And there was nothing there." Harry said, disappointed. "James, you're not going to be in any trouble I just want to know why you lied to me."

"Dad, I didn't lie." James said, honestly. "The room appears and disappears, I can show you-"

"We don't have time to talk about this right now." Harry interrupted. "Professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office after fifth period."

James was about to argue, but Harry walked towards the door and ushered in the class, forcing their conversation to come to an end.

For the entirety of the first half of the lesson, James stared angrily down at his desk – refusing to make eye contact with his dad. He was annoyed at both Harry and himself, but mostly with himself. He should have just told Astrid and Delilah first, then this whole mess would have been sorted. Or at least said something yesterday – then he could have used them to corroborate his story just then.

For Delilah, the end of the lesson couldn't come quick enough. She was trying to pay attention, but all she could think about was James. What did he want to tell them at the start of the lesson? It wasn't a very James thing to ignore them for two days, and finally the moment he goes to say something, Professor Potter whisks him away. It was infuriating. After ten minutes of overthinking, Delilah realised she hadn't paid any attention to the lesson, nor had she written anything down. 'It's ok,' she thought. 'I'll just copy Astrid's notes.'

The instant Potter dismissed the class, James shot out of his seat and high-tailed it to Astrid and Delilah. "I need to tell you something." He said, hurriedly.

"Well, unlike you two, I have a fourth period to go to, so make it quick." Astrid said.

"I'll tell you while we walk." James said, compromising. He couldn't wait a second longer, or else he'd chicken out and not tell them again.

The three of them walked together out of the classroom.

"It's about the room." James said, breaking the ice and looking at the two expectant faces beside him.

Astrid sighed. "What did you do?"

James almost subconsciously went to say 'nothing!' defensively, before realising that was most definitely not the case. "Something bad."

"James." Delilah said seriously. "What did you do?"

"You didn't touch anything did you?" Astrid asked.

"I might have." James said guiltily.

Astrid looked almost as if she was going to explode, and her mouth formed perfectly to start the sentence 'I told you so' but James carried on talking before she could say anything.

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