2 - James Potter

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The next week flew by. Most people Astrid's age would not be excited to go back to school, but Hogwarts was far different from any muggle school. For one, they didn't have to do boring muggle subjects like English, or Geography (which Astrid was never very good at), and also Astrid could now focus on the areas of magic she was most passionate about. She was certainly thrilled to have dropped potions. While it was fun in first and second year – by fifth year the potion-making process was complicated and difficult, as well as the fact there was much more theory and essay writing involved. Astrid was absolutely floored to have come out with an E in the subject.

Astrid hauled her heavy trunk down the stairs and into the car, reassuring herself that the next time she did this – Christmas time – she would be 17 and could levitate it to the car instead.

"I can't believe this is your sixth year at Hogwarts!" her mum marvelled, as she heaved her trunk into the car boot. "Your sixth! It feels like only yesterday we were taking you to King's Cross for the first time."

Her mum's eyes started tearing up. "Mum, are you crying?" Astrid asked, baffled.

"Of course I am!" she replied, "I'm not going to see you until Christmas!"

"We've still got to drive there, and the train doesn't leave until 11. Save it for the platform"

The drive to King's Cross was the same as every year, as her parents excitedly raved about the Wizarding World. Platform 9 ¾ was their second favourite place in the world, behind Diagon Alley, as they loved to observe wizards in their 'natural habitat'.

"They're not animals." Astrid interrupted, irritated. "They're just people, platform 9 ¾ isn't a zoo."


They arrived at King's Cross station, and all together ran through the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10, to arrive at Platform 9 ¾, and there was the Hogwarts Express – in all its glory. The massive steam train was always a sight to behold as they entered the bustling platform full of parents and children alike, all saying goodbye for the next few months. Nothing ever felt as surreal as the transition between the muggle and the wizarding world.

"Alright, goodbye Astrid." Her mum said, hugging her tightly. "Remember to write to us by owl! Have you got all your books?"

"Yes," Astrid replied.

"You've got your uniform?"

"Yes," Astrid replied, her tone slightly more irritated.

"Your prefect's badge?"

"Mum! I haven't forgotten anything! And if I have, send it to me by owl – I know how much you love doing that." Astrid responded, remembering her first year when she got a letter by owl every other day for the whole first term.

"Ok, ok. I just don't want you to worry."

"I'm not worried! I'm never worried! It's you who is." Astrid joked. "Now, I need to get on the train or I won't get a good seat."

"Ok, ok. Goodbye. I love you." Her mum said, as she gave her one more hug.

"Have a good term, I love you too." Her dad chimed in, also hugging her.

Astrid waved them goodbye, almost having to pull herself from her parent's grasp and run onto the train. Once she stepped up onto the train floor, she walked down the corridors, peeking into every compartment to see if Delilah had already arrived. It didn't take her very long before she saw her standing in a compartment by herself, attempting to put her trunk up on the rack up top.

"Hey." Astrid said.

"Oh, hi!" Delilah replied, glad to finally have Astrid there. However, in her change of focus, she dropped her trunk and it fell back onto her.

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