24 - Holding On

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After the Hogsmeade trip, Astrid spent almost all her free time with Ophelia and her friends. Delilah was spending a lot more time with Ted and Damian, but still frequently ate dinner with Astrid, Toby and the Hufflepuffs.

It had been almost a week since the Hogsmeade trip, and the next quidditch match of the year was tomorrow.

"How's the captain feeling about her first game as captain tomorrow?" Astrid asked, nudging Delilah.

"Nervous." Delilah answered honestly. "I have a fantastic team, however, so we're gonna win." Delilah smirked at Ophelia.

"On the contrary!" Ophelia retaliated. "I may not be captain but I happen to have complete faith in my team!"

Toby turned to Astrid. "So what team will you be supporting tomorrow?"

"Oh, I- uh... hadn't thought about that." She said.

Euphemia smirked. "It's between your girlfriend and your best friend, who are you going to choose?"

Astrid and Ophelia blushed. It had been the first time anyone had referred to them as girlfriends.

Astrid brushed it off and carried on the conversation. "Well, Ravenclaw is my house..."

"Oh! The betrayal!" Ophelia shouted, exaggerating how hurt she was.

"Ha! I always knew she liked me more." Delilah joked.

Astrid turned to Ophelia. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you afterwards." She said, kissing her.

They had kissed a lot since last Saturday.

"Ok, I had better get going." Delilah announced. "Gotta talk to the team before the game in the morning, early night's sleep and all, you know. I'll see you tomorrow!"

The group waved her out and she left.

"Well, that was sudden." Sydney commented.

Astrid felt a bit guilty. "Maybe we should lay off a bit in front of Delilah. She's having relationship troubles right now."

Suddenly there were four very intrigued people who turned to look at her.

"No. I'm not saying." Astrid said adamantly.

"Can you at least tell us who?" Euphemia asked.

"No." Astrid said. "Please can we change the subject?"

"Ok," Ophelia said, and glared at her friends when Sydney almost piped up to ask a question.

Ophelia changed the subject, turning back to Astrid. "Sooooo, are you going to explain to me why you're not supporting your girlfriend tomorrow during quidditch?"

Astrid noticed that Ophelia had called her her girlfriend but decided not to comment on it. "Shut up! I'm supporting Ravenclaw." She said, emphasising the bronze eagle on her robes.

"Toby's supporting Hufflepuff tomorrow, and he's not got a badger on his robe." Sydney said, provoking the argument a little more.

"Yes, well Slytherin aren't playing tomorrow, are they?" Astrid retaliated.

Euphemia put her hand on Sydney's shoulder. "You're not going to win in an argument against a Ravenclaw, Sydney, you might as well give up now."

Astrid grinned, victorious. "Anyway, you lot may not be far from your common room but I have about 25 flights of stairs to walk back up to Ravenclaw tower. I'll see you tomorrow – goodnight."

"'Night." Ophelia said, giving Astrid one more goodnight kiss before she left the kitchens.


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