36 - Going Back to Hogwarts

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When Astrid opened her eyes again she was amazed to find that they were all okay. Even more miraculously, they had actually made it to Hogsmeade. Delilah had apparated them into the small alleyway where Ted had taken her on the Christmas trip.

"What is this place?" Astrid asked. "It's quite beautiful."

"Ted showed it to me on the Hogsmeade Christmas Trip." Delilah replied.

"Oh, he did, did he?" James asked. "It's quite romantic."

"I suppose it is." Delilah said. She had imagined taking James here when they finally got together. James, however, was only imagining her here with Ted.

"Well, um, well done, Delilah." Astrid said eventually. "We're all in one piece."

"Yeah, brilliant job." James added.

Delilah chuckled. "Don't mention it. I mean, really – don't. Nobody needs to know that I just illegally apparated."

They laughed at the absurdity of their situation. How had they managed to get here?

"Shall we go back to Hogwarts, then?" James asked.

The three of them began walking off together, through the alleyways and back to the familiar streets of Hogsmeade village. James, who for some bizarre reason had decided to wear his school robes on a Saturday, was getting quite a few weird looks from the other wizards in the street.

"I just realised." Astrid said, stopping in her tracks. "We can't take the normal route back. The gates will be closed, and teachers will notice us and wonder why and how we left the grounds."

"Oh! I know!" James exclaimed, sticking his whole arm down his pocket, and fishing around. "It's definitely here somewhere..."

James fiddled about in his pockets for a while, knocking over various kick knacks and joke items he had stored in there for special occasions. Astrid was sure she heard a firework go off at one point.

"Ugh, I give up. Accio map!" James said, and a blank piece of parchment shot out of his pocket and into his hand.

"Is that why you're wearing your uniform on a weekend?" Delilah asked.

James smirked. "I don't go anywhere without my pockets. They have all my most valued possessions."

"Why don't you just enchant a bag instead?" Astrid asked.

James ignored her, and tapped his wand on the map, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Slowly, the ink started to rise out of the parchment, revealing the many rooms and corridors of Hogwarts School.

"There's loads of passages out of the castle into Hogsmeade." James started to explain. "A lot of them have been sealed up over the years, and I've had to make a few adjustments to the map, but I think this one should still be open."

Astrid and Delilah exchanged worried glances when they noticed where James's finger was pointing.

"I've never been able to use this passage myself." James continued. "Had to go down to Madame Blackthorn a couple times, last time she threatened to put a fence up around the tree if I wouldn't stop going to investigate. Like that would stop me."

"James this is insane." Astrid said. "We can't walk past the Whomping Willow!"

"And besides," Delilah continued. "That map's only of Hogwarts. We don't even know where that passageway comes out."

James unfolded the map a little bit further. Scribbled down, right on the far edge of the parchment, was a little note that read 'to Shrieking Shack'.

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