20 - Will you go to Hogsmeade with me?

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Astrid woke up on the morning of the 30th November, feeling as refreshed as ever – especially for a Monday.

"Today is the day!" Astrid said aloud as she got up.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Delilah asked, not having been in a good mood since the incident on the quidditch pitch.

Astrid didn't want to say; she knew it would upset Delilah.

"I've just got astronomy with Ophelia, today."

"You have astronomy with Ophelia every day." Delilah said.

"No, but it's a full moon lesson – and our daytime lesson has been moved to the evening. Full moons are always so romantic." Astrid replied, grasping at straws.

"Romantic?" Delilah questioned. "Are you taking your non-existent relationship with Ophelia a step further today?"

"Almost-existent – you mean."

"So today's the day." Delilah said, finally figuring it out.

"That's what I said." Astrid responded, not realising the hint of sadness in Delilah's voice.

"Well, have fun on Saturday. Buy me a chocolate frog or something."

"She hasn't even said yes yet, and I'm worried I'm going to call it quits at the last minute and not ask her, considering you're not asking James anymore and-" Astrid stopped suddenly. "Sorry."

"It's ok." Delilah said. It was not ok.

"Hold on, did you say 'buy me a chocolate frog'?" Astrid asked. "You're not going?"

"Why would I?" Delilah said. "I've no one to go with."

"What about Abi and Jasmine? Or Ted and Damian?" Astrid suggested. "You have other friends."

Delilah shrugged. The real reason she didn't want to go was that she didn't want to see James having fun with Maddie, and it was easier to pretend they didn't exist.

"Anyway," Astrid said, changing the subject. "Breakfast!"

"It's a bit early for breakfast." Delilah said. Astrid was awake much earlier than usual.

"The others have already gone." Astrid said, trying to convince Delilah. She didn't want her to be alone in the dorm room.

"I'll catch you up."

Astrid knew she wasn't going to win her over. "Alright, see you in transfiguration, then, if I don't see you before." Astrid said reluctantly, and walked down to breakfast.


Ophelia was sitting in the kitchens with Euphemia, Sydney and Toby, anxiously biting her nails.

"What's up?" Sydney asked.

Ophelia looked up. "Huh?"

"Something's bothering you." Sydney said.

"Oh, it's just-" Ophelia began, "nothing."

"Ophelia, it's not nothing." Toby said.

Ophelia sighed. "I just- I miss Astrid."

Her friends looked confused.

"You see her every day in astronomy." Euphemia pointed out.

"No, I know, it's just she's only hung out with us here a few times, and since we finished our full moon project, we haven't been spending all our free periods together." Ophelia said. "I feel like I haven't properly spoken to her in a while."

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