3 - From Across Tables

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The Great Hall became packed almost immediately after Astrid and Delilah arrived, and they didn't have to wait too long until Professor Dunthorp (head of Slytherin house, and also deputy head) escorted in the large crowd of first-years. Astrid recognised a few nervous faces from Diagon Alley.

Professor Dunthorp stood up onto the raised platform in front of the house tables, standing patiently next to the stool which the sorting hat sat upon, while Professor McGonagall rose from her seat and came forward to the altar.

The moment everyone noticed the headmistress stand up, a sudden silence filled the room. "Welcome to another year of Hogwarts!" announced McGonagall, breaking the silence. "I have many things to get through, but first we shall commence the sorting, so that all you first years can get sat down. So, without further ado, the sorting hat."

The sorting hat suddenly sprung to life, as the creases and wrinkles in the old fabric appeared to form a face, which began to sing:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see

I'll eat myself if you can find

A better hat than me!-"

Astrid began to space out as the sorting hat continued with its song. Though the song may not be the same every year, the general gist of it was. Instead, she was looking over at the Hufflepuff table where Ophelia was sat. She was watching the hat with a patient curiosity, and smiling faintly, while nodding along to the tune of the song. Astrid could see wonder and joy on her face as she looked reminiscently at the first years. She noticed that Ophelia's smile was particularly brighter today.

"...you're safe in hands (though I have none),

For I'm a thinking cap!"

Astrid hadn't even noticed that the song had finished until a large applause began around her, which she suddenly joined in with.

"And now the sorting begins," announced Dunthorp, unravelling his scroll to read the list of first year names. "Rebecca Allen!"

A small girl moved out from the group of first years, and up the steps onto the platform. Astrid could see her shaking from where she was sitting. She sat down timidly onto the stool, and Dunthorp raised the hat and lowered it down to her head. There was an inquisitive silence as everybody awaited the hat's decision.

It didn't take very long before "Gryffindor!!" the hat bellowed, and the Gryffindor table erupted in applause and cheering. The whistling and whooping was so loud that McGonagall gave the table a large glare to calm them down.

The sorting continued, and the large group of first years became gradually and gradually smaller, Delilah occasionally clapped as a Ravenclaw was sorted but her attention was much more focused on the table behind Hufflepuff's – Gryffindor. James was sitting a bit closer to the front than she was, but through the gaps in other student's heads, she could see him perfectly. She watched intently as he anxiously awaited whether the next first year would be sorted into Gryffindor or not, and when they were, he would cheer until he was the last person left to sit down. Delilah admired James' house pride - in all honesty she admired many things about James Potter.

The Ravenclaw table stood up for applause once more, and Delilah noticed the last first year had been sorted, and without hesitation, McGonagall ascended to the altar to address the students.

"Welcome to another year of Hogwarts!" she repeated, "I trust you all arrived here ok, without disturbances –" she glanced over to where James and his friends were sitting "- and I would first like to welcome our brand new students! I hope that you will all settle into Hogwarts, and more so your houses, nicely. I would also just like to remind all students that the Forbidden Forest is still strictly forbidden to all students and we shall not tolerate any students attempting to enter the forest without prior permission from a teacher. I would firmly like to remind you all of the dangers that lurk in those trees, and many who enter that forest do not make it back out." There was a stern silence as McGonagall finished speaking; she broke it, quickly changing the atmosphere. "With that said, I'd like to introduce you to our changes in staff this year. Firstly, after Professor Flitwick's retirement last year, we have appointed Professor Trelawney the new head of Ravenclaw house!"

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