10 - A Vanishing James

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Astrid woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. So did the rest of the girls, except for Jasmine.

Delilah groaned as she woke up. "Wizard alcohol may be better, but I'll take a muggle hangover any day."

"G'morning," Astrid said, still half asleep.

Emmeline and Abi were still sleeping off the excitement from the night before, but Jasmine was up and walking around the dorm.

"Been wondering when you'd finally wake up." She said.

"How are you not hungover?" Astrid asked. She couldn't remember much of the previous night.

"I didn't drink half as much as the rest of you. I think I was the only one still sober by the end of the night." Jasmine said in a half disapproving, half amused tone.

Delilah threw a pillow at Jasmine. "Sssshhhhh, talk quieter." She whispered.

Jasmine shook her head, but laughed, placing the pillow gently back onto Delilah's bed.

"Shit." Astrid whispered to herself.

"What?" Delilah asked.

Astrid put her hand over her face. "I have an astronomy essay due in tomorrow – I need to go to the library."

Suddenly there was a crack, a sound very similar to the sound of someone apparating, but quieter. Astrid turned to the source of the noise – it was her bookshelf. She inspected the shelf, and noticed two new books had appeared on the top row, both astronomy and both perfect for her essay.

"I could get used to this." Astrid said, looking happily at the books.

Astrid and Delilah made their way down to breakfast – slowly. They tried their hardest not to let onto any of the teachers that they were hungover, and managed to get away with it. Although they couldn't hide it from Ted.

"I see you two had a bangin' night!" he shouted, a staircase above them.

They both wanted to shout something sarcastic back, but had too much of a headache to do so.

Astrid and Delilah arrived at the Great Hall and slumped into their seats. Astrid immediately grabbed a slice of toast, and made herself a tea.

"What is the point in getting so drunk you don't remember anything from the night before, and you're ill in the morning?" Astrid asked Delilah, but the direction of her head said she was asking the table.

"Speak for yourself," Delilah said. "I remember most of last night. For one I remember Em calling potatoes 'poteetoes'."

Astrid chuckled to herself.

"I also remember you telling the entire group I liked James." She said, coldly.

Astrid's head shot up from the table. "Ow," she said, "I did that?"

Delilah nodded.

"Oh I'm sorry, can't exactly take that back, can I?"

Delilah shook her head. "No, but I then told everyone you liked Ophelia so call us even."

Astrid looked shocked, but then nodded, as if to say 'Yeah, that's fair,' but she was too tired to actually speak those words.

"Honestly, Jasmine is probably the only one who remembers, maybe Abi, but Emmeline was way more drunk than you – she definitely will not."


After Delilah and Astrid had eaten their breakfast, they made their way to the library – heads aching a little less. Astrid was carrying her two books from her bookshelf and her astronomy textbook.

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