27 - Chaos and Calm

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Christmas at the burrow was as chaotic as ever. Arthur and Molly had told the Weasley clan to arrive at 9:00am, to give them time to set up and make breakfast.

Percy and Audrey arrived at 8:00, Hermione and Ron at 8:30. Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Harry and Ginny all arrived around 9:00. George and Angelina were late.

Molly had agreed that breakfast would not be served until all the Weasleys had arrived, much to the displeasure of one James Potter.

"Hey, Uncle Ron, do you mind if I use your owl?" he asked.

Pigwidgeon was excitedly flying in loops around the living room, greeting each new arrival.

"Of course!" Ron responded, and called Pig over. "Honestly, I thought this bloody bird would calm down in his old age." He muttered to himself.

"I think he's charming." Ginny said, noticing Ron's dismay at his owl. She turned to James. "Who're you writing a letter to?"

"Probably his girlfriend." Albus said, seeming to come from nowhere.

James flushed.

"Maddie, right?" Albus continued. "I've seen you two around school, always sn-"

"Are you spying on me?" James interrupted, desperate to get his brother to stop talking. James was too flustered to come up with a good comeback, and ended up coming out with: "While we're on the subject, what's up with you and Scorpius?"

It was Albus's turn to flush now. "He's just a friend."

"Uh-huh." James said, disbelievingly.

Ginny had stopped listening a while ago. She had learnt it was best to let the boys figure out their squabbles for themselves, rather than get involved. She was now talking with Hermione and Charlie about dragons.

"So who are you really writing that letter to?" Albus asked.

"Like you said, Maddie." James said.

Albus laughed. "I'm not an idiot, James. You haven't written her a letter all holiday and I've seen at least five arrive at your window! Also, that is far too short to be a letter to a girlfriend." Albus snatched the parchment out of James's hand. "'Merry Christmas! J.P.' You haven't even signed it 'James'! This is not a letter to Maddie."

"Sure you shouldn't be in Ravenclaw, smart-arse?"

"I've often thought I might do well there." Albus said. "Maybe I could actually get you and that Ravenclaw girl together, rather than watch the two of you pine after one another like you're in a shitty rom-com."

James looked baffled.

"Is that who you're writing the letter to?" Albus asked. "What message are you trying to send?"

Honestly, James wasn't sure. He knew it would be unfair to Maddie to break up with her and suddenly date Delilah. At this point he truly just hoped they could be friends. That was all. Just friends. And this was step one to being just friends.

Luckily, James didn't have to answer, as Dominique came over to say hi.

"Hey, James." She said, slotting herself in between the two brothers on the sofa.

"Hey," he responded, absentmindedly as he sent off the letter. "Find Delilah Jones's house. She probably lives in a muggle village." He whispered to the owl, quietly enough so that Albus didn't hear. James had complete faith in Pig to be able to find Delilah's house.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever riveting conversation I'm sure you boys were having, but Teddy just arrived, and he and Victoire are starting their snog-fest." Dominique said.

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