30 - Listen

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Astrid was, once again, in the library reading up on undetectable charms. She'd looked at the Occultus Charm, the Dissimulus Charm, and even the Opscurus Curse but none of them had quite the right effects. It was then that she checked her watch and realised she was late for the animagus meeting.


Delilah was told by Astrid that she'd meet her in McGonagall's office. "Don't wait for me, I'll come straight from the library." She'd said.

She was currently a minute late.

Although, Delilah didn't think it was all that bad. She'd been having a pretty good conversation with James before McGonagall arrived, and that probably wouldn't have happened if Astrid was on time.

"Do either of you know where Miss Williams has got to?" McGonagall asked.

"No, Professor." Delilah said, turning back to face the door as if Astrid would magically appear. "She said she was going to do some studying in the library – I think she's lost track of time."

As if she was summoned, suddenly a tired and panting Astrid came bursting through the door. "So sorry Professor... studying...library...lost track...of time."

"It's ok Miss Williams, it happens to the best of us." McGonagall said. Astrid was thrilled that she didn't seem to be angry. "Take a seat."

Astrid hadn't bothered to put the book back into her bag, and James had noticed. He gave her a knowing smirk.

"So, as I told you before Christmas – today we will start brewing the potion required for your animagus transformations. Please, be careful. Disastrous things happen to wizards to get this potion wrong. Many wizards have tried and failed at this potion, stuck as half animals, half humans, so listen to my instructions exactly." McGonagall said seriously.

The three stayed silent. They'd never quite considered the risks.

"Ok, so the first ingredient is a mandrake leaf," McGonagall began, as if she hadn't just warned them about permanent disfiguration. "You have to soak it in your mouth for a month – without taking it out – and for that reason it shall be the second to last ingredient we put in the potion. All we need to do today is add a drop of dew, and your own hair."

The process was fairly simple, being only two ingredients. McGonagall continued to explain the more complicated part of the potion, after the mandrake leaves, and how they would have to wait for a lightning storm to add the final ingredient. Astrid wondered how anyone ever came up with the potion in the first place.

McGonagall also spent the rest of the meeting talking with the three of them about their 'inner selves' and how, even if they have taken the potion, they still will not be able to transform until they understand themselves completely. It was quite a daunting prospect.

"Alright, you must start soaking this on or before the 27th February. Our next meeting shall be on the 28th March – precisely a full moon cycle after. There we shall add the leaves and the moth chrysalis to the potion." McGonagall explained at the end of the meeting. "You must soak the mandrake leaf for 30 days exactly, and keep it safe between now and the 28th. Good luck."

And with that, the three of them left McGonagall's office with their mandrake leaves in hand.

"Well, it's really happening now isn't it?" James said.

Astrid nodded, fixated on the leaf.

"When are you gonna start soaking this thing?" Delilah asked James.

"Oh, probably on the 27th. It seems easier to look after a dry leaf than a wet leaf, you know." He said.

"Ew." Delilah replied, imagining a saliva soaked leaf.

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