13 - Dinner in the Kitchens

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Astrid was far more excited to attend astronomy, after lunch, than she had been for any other lesson that term. She had finally accepted that Ophelia liked her, and had consequently decided to be much more forward about it.

"Hey." Astrid said, sitting down closer to Ophelia than normal.

She seemed pleased by the development. "Hi," she replied, smiling. "I heard you spoke to Toby in arithmancy today – he told me at lunch."

"Oh yeah! He's very chatty, he said you talk about me," Astrid said.

Ophelia blushed.

'Oh shit.' Astrid thought. 'That was probably the wrong thing to say, now I've embarrassed her, oh no, oh no, oh no-'

"Yeah maybe a little bit." Ophelia said. "It's probably just because I really like you."

"Well, I really like you too." Astrid responded, before she even realised what she said. Her eyes opened wide and her face turned red as she processed the words that just came out of her mouth. 'Did I just- I did. Umm, umm what do I say, oh god she can see I'm embarrassed. Oh no. I've ruined the moment. Not good. Abort. Abort."

Ophelia seemed to ignore the obvious signs of embarrassment on Astrid's face. "Well that's good." She said, resting her hand on top of Astrid's. "That would have been quite embarrassing for me if the feelings weren't reciprocated."

As if by instinct, Astrid turned her hand over so their palms were touching. They didn't say anything to each other as their fingers realigned to interlock and suddenly they were holding hands.

It was then that Professor Sinistra walked in. Ophelia pulled their interlocked hands under the table, and picked up her quill in her free hand. Astrid was thankful that she was left handed, or else they would have to let go of one another for her to write. She picked up her quill and began to take notes as Sinistra started the lesson.

Astrid barely paid attention to Sinistra for the hour, constantly looking over at Ophelia, conscious of not squeezing her hand too hard, but also conscious not to hold it so loosely that Ophelia thought she was letting go.

'Oh god.' She thought. 'What if she thinks I have sweaty hands?'

Astrid pushed the thought out of her mind. She should be grateful they're even holding hands at all! It's practically a miracle!

Ophelia turned to Astrid.

"So, do you want to be partners?" she asked.

"Wh-what?" Astrid replied, gobsmacked.

"For the project – on the moon cycles." Ophelia said.

Astrid realised she hadn't been paying attention to Sinistra. She was slightly disappointed that Ophelia was asking about the project, but thought that if they ever were to get together that's not the way she'd really want it to happen.

"Yeah – of course!" Astrid said.

"Cool." Ophelia nodded, and squeezed Astrid's hand a little bit tighter.

"Now, before I let you begin on your projects – I just want to let you know, Friday's evening lesson in the astronomy tower is being postponed until Saturday due to the full moon falling then." Sinistra said.

There was a groan among the class, as everyone realised Saturday was Halloween.

"Don't worry!" Sinistra said, before the outcry began. "It's only an hour – you'll still have time to attend the Halloween feast, and we'll be finished by 10:00, whatever parties you're planning can still go ahead."

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