25 - To You and Your King

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A cold breeze blew through Hogsmeade station on the last day of term, as all the students planning to go home for Christmas piled onto the Hogwarts Express.

Astrid, Delilah, Ophelia, Toby, Euphemia and Sydney were sat in a compartment together. Astrid was looking out of the window, smiling – she was excited to go home for Christmas.

"I can't believe I'm not going to see you all for two weeks." Ophelia said to the group, but looking at Astrid.

"We can always meet up!" Astrid said. "Nothing's stopping us. You could come to mine."

Ophelia beamed. "I've never been to a muggle house before!"

Toby looked shocked. "You told her?"

Astrid shrugged.

"Explains why I haven't been getting all the muggle-related questions recently." Toby said, rolling his eyes.

"I find them endearing." Astrid said, hugging Ophelia a little tighter.

"Speaking of..." Ophelia began.

"Here we go." Toby said, sounding mildly annoyed – but still smiling nonetheless.

Ophelia gave him a look, but turned back to Astrid. "Do you have a telly-vision in your house?"

Astrid laughed. "A television? Yeah."

Ophelia was ecstatic. "Merlin's beard! Really? Amazing. Do you have any DVDs? I'd love to watch a film – I've never seen a film before. Except for short videos we've watched in muggle studies, but I've never seen a classic muggle film. Like Shrek."

Astrid saw Delilah holding back a laugh out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, we do have DVDs, but I think the Shrek films are on Netflix, if you desperately want to watch it."

Ophelia looked confused. "Netflix?"

"You'll see." Astrid said.

Ophelia was about to question it further, but then there was a 'knock knock' on the compartment door.

It was Ted and Damian.

Delilah got up, and opened the door – ready to ask him what they wanted, but before she could so much as open her mouth, the two of them started singing loudly.

"We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a happy new Year!

Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin"
(Delilah was sure she heard Ted say 'king')
"We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!

So bring us some-"

"Ok, stop there." Delilah said. It seemed as though they were going to continue for a while.

"You don't like my carol singing, Jones?" Ted asked, pretending to be heartbroken.

"No. Find a key and stick to it Harrison." Delilah replied. Damian was looking hurt along with Ted. "Actually, Damian, you were alright – and you at least sang the right lyrics."

Damian looked chuffed. "Told you I was a better singer."

Ted playfully punched him.

"And its kin." Damian continued, in a tone that made Delilah assume they'd had this argument before.

"That doesn't even rhyme." Ted argued. "It's king."

"You sound like every child whenever they first hear the song. I'm telling you it's 'kin'."

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