32 - Life After Hogwarts

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Astrid was sitting in the library, studying.

"Psst!" a voice whispered from across the table. "Psst! Astrid!"

She looked up. It was James.

"Are you reading the book?" he asked.

Astrid shook her head, and went back to her transfiguration homework, hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

It wasn't.

James suddenly appeared in the seat next to her.

"Why not?" he asked.

Astrid shut the book she was reading in frustration. "Because, James, I have other things to do."

He looked confused.

"Homework, James." Astrid clarified.

"Yeah, but surely you've read at least a little bit more of it since we last spoke." He said hopefully.

Astrid sighed. "Ok, yes I have."


"Nothing." She said, opening the book, forcing the conversation to end.

James, however, continued. "Nothing?"


"Nothing at all?"

"Not at all."

"How much have you read?"

"About half the book."

"And there's not one spell it could be?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, James, I'm sure."

"But are you really sure?"

"James, if you don't trust me read it yourself."

He sat in silence for a moment. He couldn't exactly argue with that point.

Astrid checked the time, and was thankful to see it was almost 5:00. "Anyway, I have to leave. Career interview." She said bluntly. "Bye James."


Astrid made her way up to McGonagall's office for her career interview and was surprised to see that Trelawney wasn't there.

"Welcome, Miss Williams." McGonagall began. "So, shall we begin?"

"Actually, Professor, I was wondering, where's Professor Trelawney?" Astrid said.

McGonagall nodded in understanding. "There was an... incident... in one of our career interviews, so I have stepped in for Professor Trelawney."

Astrid knew it must have been to do with the prophecy, so didn't question it any further.

"So, Miss Williams, how are you finding your NEWTs?" McGonagall asked. "What's your favourite?"

"Good." Astrid replied. "Probably arithmancy, or transfiguration. I really enjoy the theory behind arithmancy, and I just wish that wizards had studied it more because I feel like there's so much more to learn. And I also really enjoy transfiguration, probably because of how challenging the spells are – it's really rewarding when I manage to perform one correctly." Astrid suddenly stopped. "Sorry – that was a bit more than your question asked for."

McGonagall smiled. "Never apologise for being enthusiastic." She paused for a moment, and looked back down at the parchment with Astrid's name written in bold at the top. "Your choice of NEWTs are quite interesting. Did you have a specific career in mind when choosing them?"

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