29 - Not Quite Right

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Astrid was late to first period.

"Where were you?" Delilah whispered, when Astrid sat down. Professor Munslow didn't seem to care that Astrid was half an hour late.

"Prefects' meeting." She said.

Delilah laughed. "Didn't know you still were a prefect!"

"Shut up." Astrid replied. Although Delilah was right; other than helping that first year back in September, Astrid hadn't exactly performed any prefect duties. "Been a bit distracted. There's five other prefects – they can handle without me."

"What was it about anyway?" Delilah asked.

"Miss Jones, I assume the only reason you're talking is to catch Miss Williams up on the first part of the lesson she has missed?" Professor Munslow called across the room.

"Of course, Professor!" Delilah replied.

"I should take five points for you lying to a teacher, just there." Astrid joked.

"Oh, now you're taking your job seriously."

Astrid laughed. "Anyway, McGonagall told us we were having career interviews. Gave me a rota to put up in the common room – it's my duty to let everyone in sixth year know. Well, all the girls. Damian can handle the boys."

"Career interviews? Again?" Delilah asked. They'd already had their meetings in fifth year.

"Apparently so. I know we're supposed to have them again in seventh year, but I think they ran out of time to talk to everyone last year, so they're doing it now to make sure they don't do that again. McGonagall said they're only going to talk with people next year who don't know what they want to do." Astrid clarified.

"Well you should get your date booked for next year already!" Delilah said. Astrid had no idea what she wanted to do after leaving Hogwarts.

"Very funny." Astrid said. "Who knows, maybe Trelawney will be able to predict my future for me."

"Oh shit, yeah." Delilah said, suddenly remembering. "Dear God, I do not want an interview with that lady."

"Apparently McGonagall is overseeing them this time."

"Thank Merlin." Delilah said, slightly relieved.

"Ok, what are we actually doing?" Astrid asked, glancing up at what Munslow was writing on the chalkboard.

"Taking a break from practical transfiguration." Delilah said, a tone of annoyance in her voice. "We're covering the theory."

"We should probably be writing that down then." Astrid said, immediately dipping her quill in a pot of ink, scribbling down the words Munslow was writing. "Can I borrow your notes after this lesson to catch up?"

Delilah nodded, and thought to herself that she really should be writing the notes too.

"What's your problem with theory anyway?" Astrid asked, still writing.

"It's boring." Delilah replied. "I don't care how it works, I just like that it works."

"Says the girl taking arithmancy." Astrid said, pointing out Delilah's hypocrisy.

Delilah was silent for a moment. "That's different."


Ophelia, having a surname that started 'Ab', naturally, was first to have her career interview. She sat in the headmaster's office, in front of Professor McGonagall and Professor Scamander the next Monday evening.

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