Chapter 6

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I finally got out of the hospital two days ago. Now I'm sitting in Chris' office doing nothing. Every since the incident he feels that I need to be under his watch at all times. "Jordyn sit down please" Chris says looking up from his computer.

I pull my earphones out and look at him with a questioning face. He just nods towards the couch. I roll my eyes as I plop down on the couch. I turn my music off and scroll through twitter. Finding nothing interesting, and not wanting to tweet, I lock my phone and walk over to the big window Chris has in his office.

"You just wont listen to me will you?" "What's wrong with wanting to enjoy the scenery?" I turn around and wait for an answer, when his phone rings. "Hello.... Um" he turns around to look at me. "Not right now... I'm busy" He hangs up without even saying bye.

"Who was that?" I ask out of curiosity. "No one important". "It was a female wasn't it?" I say feeling tears forming. "Go sit down please Jordyn" Chris responds not even looking up at me. Once I plop down on the couch, the waterworks start. I don't even know why I'm crying, me and Chris aren't official. But for some reason the fact that he has females all over the place, hurts a lot.

"Are you hungry?" Chris asks out of nowhere. "What makes you think that?" I snap. He finally looks up at me. "Because you were crying". Really nigga? "I nod my head yes. "Ok well hold on" He says finishing up whatever he was doing. 

After we get our coats we walk out of his office, only to end up face to face with Tammy. "Oh... um hey J, Chris I can come back some other time if you're busy" Tammy says her eyes flickering between me and Chris.

"Yeah I am I was just working on your file. I'll call you" Chris says grabbing my hand and walking away. We go to Applebees, since that's my favorite spot. "What's Tammy's case about?" "Um she did a hit and run... She didn't tell you?" He says looking up from his menu. 

"Nope every since I told her I was pregnant, she started acting funny, like she had a problem with me" I say shrugging my shoulders. Chris looks at me with a straight face. "What?" "Nothing"

We sit there in comfortable silence, until the waitress comes to take our order. After she's done, we sit in silence again. I decide that I'm going to address this little problem I have with Chris, so I break the silence, "How many girls do you have calling your office for sex?" He looks taken back my my question, but he quickly regains his posture.

"What are you talking about?". He really pisses me off with that. "The female that called your phone, when we were in your office. How busy would you had been if I wasn't there" I yell-whisper. He just sits back and laughs.

When I say laughs, he really laughs like I've just told him the funniest thing in history. I glare at him and he stops instantly. "I was really busy Jordyn" "And if you weren't" He just looks at me and shakes his head.

"You're jealous Jordyn...If you want me to drop her then I will. I told you she was no one important" I look at him for awhile, and I nod my head. "You should drop all of them" I mumble. He doesn't catch it though. 

Once our food gets there we eat in silence. The car ride home is silent, I don't know why either. Once we get into the house and go into my room that I have at his house. I go into the bathroom, to run myself a bath. While waiting on my water I walk downstairs to see a familiar pair of pink sparkly pumps.

I sit and think of where I saw those shoes from... Then it dawns me, Tamera wore those same pumps the night I met Chris. "Hey you left the water running so I turned it off " Chris says making me jump. "Whose shoes are those?" I ask walking over there to them. And they're a size 7. "Um some chick I had over here a while back". I stand up walk right past him, and up the stairs. 

I sit in the bath tub and think about how none of this is really adding up. She gets upset that I'm having Chris' baby, then she shows up unannounced at his office, then her shoes are here. I close my eyes and think of the possible reasons.

She could've had an bad day when she came and got me, she really might had been in a hit and run, and anyone could have those shoes. I close my eyes and I drift to sleep. I wake up to a pair of strong arms lifting me out of the bathtub.

I take no time putting on my pajamas and climbing into bed and going back to sleep to finish the dream I started. 

I hear Chris voice telling a little girl that she's beautiful like her mother, and her thanking him. I smile down at the little boy whose looking at me through a pair of beautiful brown eyes. "And you're just as handsome as your father. The little boy flashes a smile so big I couldn't help but smile back at him. He reminds me so much of Chris.

After that it's blank. I sleep through the rest of the night. 



I peek my head in Jordyns room, only to find her knocked out. I walk back into my room to call Tamera. I close the door, and wait for her to answer. "Hello?" She answered sleepily. "Tammy, you can't just show up at my job like that. If I need you I will call you, other than that don't do things like that. You also have her suspicious, and you left them ugly ass pink shoes here too." I say in a low tone.

"So what if she's suspicious. What proof does she have? She hasn't questioned you has she?" "Yeah Tammy she has, about the reason you were at the office earlier and about those damn heels" "She's too damn nosy, but when can I see you again? I need you." I sigh. "Tammy you won't be seeing me again. I don't want to sleep around on Jordyn anymore, especially not with you."

Once I get that off my chest I feel like a better person. "What you and her are a thing now? Yeah whatever we'll see how long that lasts when I tell her you've been screwing me" Tammy yells into the phone. "You won't have to. I'm going to tell her." With that I hang up.

I lay in bed thinking of how I'll tell Jordyn that I've been sleeping with Tamera. After coming up with the conclusion that I'm just going to be straight forward, i fall asleep.


I wake up to the smell of breakfast. I get myself together and walk down the stairs. "Look at you cooking" I say laughing she doesn't even turn around to acknowledge me. I just sit at the island, knowing that she's going to have to turn around some point in time.

"Have you slept with Tammy?" She asks totally out of the blue. I feel a lump forming in my throat. Just answer her Chris, it's obvious she knows already. "Yeah... I'm sorry Jordyn" I say and she still doesn't acknowledge me.

She turns around and looks at me. "And when was the last time you slept with her?" "The day you told me you were pregnant" I say looking down at the marble that the people created the island with. "Okay whatever" she says placing food on my plate. 

As soon as she got done, I started eating. She looks at me like I just killed somebody. "If you don't say grace I'm gone gut you like a fish" I scrunch my face up at her statement. But I still got the point. After praying I start back eating. Jordyn just nods her head in a approval. Women.

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