Chapter 9

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Tammi POV

I got a text from Chris telling me to meet him at his office today. "What the hell does he want?" My older sister Trina says looking over my shoulder. "For me to meet him at his office today" She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.

I walk into the bathroom and start the shower. I rub my stomach while looking in the mirror. "Moma loves you" 


After deciding on if I actually wanted to see Chris, I get in my car heading to the firm. I got out of the car and walk up to the receptionist desk. She looks up at me and writes my name on a visitors tag. "He's expecting you" she says pointing towards Chris' office.

I hesitate before I find the courage to knock on the door. "Enter". I slowly walk in, noticing that he was on the phone and seemed in deep conversation.

He points at the chair infront of him, I sit it in the chair and wait patiently. "Ok.... Yeah tomorrow noon?. You welcome, bye" He hangs up and looks at me for a while. "I didn't do it. And I wont so if that's what you called me for then..."

"I called you hoping you didnt do it...Tammi I want to take care of my child" He says in a tone I've never heard before. Hurt?

"What if I did do it and the baby was gone today" I ask on the verge of tears remembering what I almost did yesterday. "I-I dont know. I really dont know".

"Well if thats all you needed I'll be going" I stand  up and walk towards the door. "Wait...," Chris calls out to me making me stop. "...Let me take you to lunch. Please"

And like any other time im captivated by those eyes. "Sure"
"So you really gon let him be in the baby's life?" Trina questions with a look of disgust. "Yes. I wouldnt want my child growing up without a father" I repeat myself for the thousandth time. "He doesn't even..." "Yes he does Trina. I know he does" I say looking at her. "One you don't even know what I was going to say. Two how do even know that he wants the baby, maybe he just wants to have a clear conscious?" "He told me" I say nearly crying. I hate these damn hormones. "Yeah just like he told you he loved you? Just like he told you he was gon make Jordyn get an abortion? Just like he said he was going to leave Jordyn? Tammi he has said everything to you... Has he done it?" I look at Trina and silently cry. Did Chris lie about wanting to be in his childs life?


"How's your other baby mama" I ask Chris as soon as he makes it through the door. "Jordyn I made her abort it, like I told you I would" Chris says looking and sounding annoyed.

"You better had" I retort. "What's wrong with you?" Chris questions looking confused. "What you mean?"

"You dont care that your best friend just aborted her baby?" "Should I?" I say looking confused. Why should I care about Tamera's feelings? She surely didn't care about mine.

Chris stared at me with a blank expression. "Did you cook?" he says walking behind me and draping his arms around my neck. "Not yet. What do you have a taste for?" I ask smiling. He turns us around to face the mirror in the living room. He brings his arms up and around my neck. "Don't worry about it beautiful...." he trails off as he tightens his arms aound my neck. "Chris....I..Can't..." I stumble on my words. "You can't what? Breathe? Don't worry about that either sweetheart" Chris says through gritted teeth. I panic. Im scared  and he's not releasing his grip. I start to scratch at his arms and face hoping to stop him. No luck. "Chr.....Chris....The....Baby" I choke out. His face changes from angry to worried and he lets me go.

Ok so here it is.... Happy Easter everybody! P.S. it's not edited.

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