Chapter 18

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I sat at my desk and "listened" to Micheal explain the shooting.

"But I didnt mean for a bullet to hit your baby moms bro"

I stare at him for a while, thinking of words to say to him. "They're thinking about charging you with involuntary manslaughter. Another victim you shot died last week in the hospital, so that's another charge" I said rubbing my temples.

"But I didnt mean to kill those people" He says shaking his head. "That's exactly why its involuntary."

We talk for a few more minutes before I exit the visitation area.

"Mr. Brown" I turn around to see a beautiful woman. "I was looking for an attorney and I heard you were the best in Viginia".

"What's the case?" I say licking my lips. Her shirt was so tight, the buttons would break if she moved to much. "A few fines and law suits." She replies playing with her necklace, that previously was inbetween her breasts.

"And how do you know that I work in that branch?" "Because everybody knows you're an criminal defense attorney." She places her hands on my chest. "So can you help me?". I look her up and down nodding. "I can help you". Handing her one of my business cards I turn and leave.


I walk into the visitation hall and wait for my visitor. "Ty." "Anthony." "Good job. Even though you hit an extra person, good job."

"I'm getting charged with involuntary manslaughter" I croak out. "That alone can get me 15 years! I'm getting charged with two counts of it."

Anthony just laughs.

"What's funny?" I say getting angry.
"Who told your dumbass to kill her in the club? A club full of people at that. You wrong as fuck for bringing your baby moma into to it too. You deserve to get two counts of involuntary manslaughter. You murderer." He stands up shaking his head at me. I need to talk to Chris.


Hmmm this nigga got soooo blinded by my breasts, he didn't even pay attention to my facial features.

Hell Anthony better have all my money by the end of this. All I need is for Jordyn and Chris to break up and hate each other so my sister can rest easy. I also want my nephew to be here with me. Not with Jordyn.

I walk into my house and see Anthony sitting on my couch. Fucking bum.

"What you need?" "Did you get him to help you?". I roll my eyes and sigh heavily. "Yes. You could've called and asked me that" "I need you to kill him" Anthony says calmly.

My eyes grow big. I hate that word. Somebody KILLED Tamera not too long ago. And that son of a bitch is behind bars forever. Thankfully.

"That's not part of the plan. You said break them up, get my nephew and money and it would be done." "Well new plan. Chris needs to die. And if you can't kill him", He pulls out an gun and holds it up to my chin, "I'll kill you."

"O-o-okay" I say shaking. "Good girl" He pats my head and leaves.

I dig through my purse and find his card. I email him some dirty pics and wait for him to respond. And like I knew he would, he responds with some nice pics.


"That was fun. Thank you Mr. Brown" I say putting my dress back on. "My pleasure.... Trina" My heart stops. Did he just?


Her face was priceless. "What's wrong? Is that not your name?" I get no reply. I walk into the closet of the hotel, and drag a gagged Anthony out if it.

"Wondering how I know who you are? Well your little friend Anthony told me everything. You was gonna fuck me then kill me?" I still get no reply. I grab her by her hair and pull it back. "Answer me when I ask you questions" I laugh as she nods quickly.

"What was this little plan you had with Anthony?"

"I was suppose to break you and Jordyn  and get Carter. Then earlier he was at my house and said he needed you dead. He said that if I didn't kill you he would kill me." By this time she was crying and shaking. "I can't kill somebody Chris. The person that killed Tammy is in jail forever. I can't be in jail forever."

I look at her and back at Anthony. I thought she knew he had something to do with Tammy's death. "He did?" Trina says snapping me out of my thoughts. "I said that out loud?" "Yes." She gets up and walks to her purse. She pulls a gun out, points it towards Anthony and pulls the trigger, despite his muffled cries for help.

After getting Trina calm. I explained everything to her and she forgave me and Jordyn. I also explained that Carter was my child and he was and will be staying with me.

We disposed Anthony's body in a lake nearby.

"Hey baby" Jordyn says hugging me and then eyeing Trina. "I'm sorry Jordyn. I didn't know the story. I was on the outside looking in." "It's okay I guess" Jordyn says raising an eye at her. "Can I come in?" Trina asks awkwardly standing in the doorway. "Sure" I answer before Jordyn can protest.

"Is this him?" Trina says picking Carter up. Jordyn watches Trina the whole time she interacts with Carter.

"What's wrong?" I whisper standing next to her. "Nothing much" she never takes her eyes off of Trina. "Stop staring at her then" I say picking Jae up. "She looks nervous like she wants to, or has done something wrong" "She's seeing her nephew for the first time".

Jordyn shrugs and heads upstairs mumbling.

I technically didn't lie.

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