Chapter 17

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I got a call from Northside hospital saying that they had Tammy in custody.

I walk in afraid. Afraid that my son is hurt. I Jordyn sitting next to Jessica and Nicole. "They're doing everything Chris. I promise" Jordyn says grabbing on to my arm.

I cant stop the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Are you Mr. Brown?" an older aged nurse asks me. I nod my head signaling my answer.

"May we speak in private?" I follow her to an empty part of a hallway. "We're sorry to tell you..."

My mind begins to race and my heart shatters. I wont get to see my son.

"Once again we're sorry for your loss and we're currently performing an emergency C-Section to save your son"

As bad as it sounds, my heart jumped at the sound of save and son being used in the same sentence. I stood back up and shook her hand.

"Are you okay?" Jordyn questioned as I sat back down. "I will be."


"Mr. Brown would you like to see your son?" "Yes" I stood up grabbing Jordyn's hand. She needed to see him, since she had to play mommy now.

We walked into the room to see a nurse writing things down on a clipboard.

"Where's Tammy?" Jordyn finally asked when the nurse left. "She...She didnt make it"

I heard soft sniffles. I walk over and bring her over to the baby. She instantly stops crying and smiles.

She grabs his hand and rubs the back of it earning a smile from him. "See babe he likes you" I say kissing her cheek.

Soon the nurse returns with a pen and clip board. "Mr. Brown your signature" I smile and sign my name in the spot where Im supposed to.

I hand Jordyn the clipboard next. She smiles lightly and signs the certificate.

"Any names?" "Carter... Carter Maurice Brown" Jordyn replies never taking her eyes off... Carter.

"Okay let me get this printed for you guys congratulations"

"Thank you"



Tammy's funeral was the toughest thing I've ever endured in my life. Within less than an year, I lost a bestfriend and my bestfriend lost her life.

It was even more crazy when we found out who the shooter was. Micheal. He found out the baby he was planning on having wasnt his.

He killed the girl and got word that the actual father happened to be out clubing. When he got to the club he fired 6 shots... None of them hit his target. But one did hit Tamera. Dead in her chest.

Her mother tried to claw me and Chris' faces off. Talking about I stole Tammy's man.

Her brothers wouldnt even look at me, and when Trina did she was mugging. Soon enough we were watching her get lowered into the ground.

RIP to Tamera Brown

Carter doesnt cry at all, which I am very thankful for. I chose the stay at home mother path, and it drives me crazy.

Okay Jae drives me crazy. She is starting to notice the difference between me and Chris. She wants him to put her to sleep. She wants him to hold her.

"Jaelyn hush. You dont anything but to be held" I say picking her up out of her lounger. I glance over at Carter who's perfectly content with his binky. Unlike his bratty sister.

She's crying even though I'm walking around with her. She stops crying when she hears my phone ringing.

"Hey babe" I say smiling at Jae because her focus is now on my phone.

"Its quiet" "Yeah because Jae hears your voice" He chuckles and tells me to put him on speaker phone.

"Hey babygirl" she instantly gets active, moving and everything like she can get through the phone.

I let them interact until Jae falls asleep. "You have magical powers or something.. She goes to sleep at the sound of your voice" I say placing her back in her lounger.

"Where's Carter?" "Doing what Carter does. Watching me quietly"

"Oh what are you doing?" He questions. "Cooking" "Oh lord dont burn my house down" He replies laughing.

"I wont... See you when you get home" "Love you" "Love you too".

I turn around and look at the babies who are both knocked out now. I take a picture and finish dinner.


"How was work" I asked when he walked in. "Micheal called today... He wants me to represent him" "Well are you?"

"I dont know he is my bestfriend... But he killed my baby moma" he stops and takes a deep breath. "Hey Carter" he coos picking Carter up.

He's different from his sister. She would have let it be known she was awake. He's calm.

"Why are you smiling" Chris asks me. "He's so chill"

Speaking of it. Jae wakes up screaming and hollering. I grab her and she instantly quiets down.

"Hey Mac" Chris whispers making her laugh. I shake my head. That wasnt even funny.

Me Chris go into a laughing fit, as we watch them try to kick eachother. "Dont kick your sister okay Carter?" Carter rolls his eyes and eyes his binky on the table. I dont know how we're going to wing him off of it, he loves it too much.

I grab his binky and stick it in his mouth. He rolls his eyes and lays his head on Chris' chest.

Jae, watching the whole thing gets fussy. "She's jealous." I say handing her to Chris. That earns her an eye roll from Carter.

"He does that alot" I say looking at Chris. "Does what?" Chris says looking down at him. "Rolls his eyes" Chris laughs and looks at him.

"You tired of us Carter?" Carter looked at him and smiled, making his binky fall out causing him to wimper. I rinse the binky off and hand it to Chris.

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