Chapter 2

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I woke up with the worst headache that I've ever experienced. I sit up and push the hair out of my face. I plop my hands down on the bed, hitting something firm. I gasp in surprise as I realize that its a chest. I come to my senses and look around the room that isn't mines.

I groan in frustration, as I silently slip out of the bed. I wince as the pain between my thighs gets worse. I search around the room and slip on my clothes. As Im leaving out of the room, I hear the mysterious man get out of the bed. 

I turn around, only to be met with a naked chest. "Um hi.... I'm sorry." I say in a rush. "Sorry for what? I had an great time" He says following me down the steps. "I bet you did, you brung a drunken girl home and had sex with her, every boys dream"  I snap rolling my eyes.

"Surely is Jordyn" I smack my lips and walk out.


When I get into my apartment I see Tamera sitting there shaking her head. "What?" I ask a little more harsh  than I originally implied. "Wow for somebody that just slept with an wealthy, not to mention fine ass hell lawyer, you seem uptight" She says with humor in her voice.

"I will admit that he is fine ass hell, but I mean I feel like a class A whore! I don't even remember him telling me his name"

Tamera's eyes popped out of her head. "Did he really need to tell you his name? How do you not know Christopher Brown, the biggest and finest lawyer in Virginia?"  I look at her and shrug  my shoulders. "I've never needed a lawyer because daddy always kept me out of trouble".

"Well.... was it good?" Tamera asks winking. "I don't no, but I woke up sore...?" "Did you feel like a girl that just lost her virginity?" "Maybe..." I say blushing. Tamera mouth forms an 'o' and she squeals. "It was good, omg you suck, if you weren't drunk you would've felt the full effect"

"Whatever" I say laughing at her silliness. I start digging through my purse when I come across 200 dollars. "When did I get this?" I mumble to myself pulling the money out. "He's good in bed and he pays you. Can I hit?" I glare at her.

"What?" "What do you mean what? He's basically saying that I'm a whore!" I say loudly. "Well I mean you did go to a club, let some random get you drunk, and leave with the same random to his house. I mean not to call you a whore but...." Tamera says in a duh tone. 

"Well that didn't mean that he had to treat me like an whore. He could've left it as an one night stand, I don't need money from him." I say putting the 200 dollars back in my purse. " I see you keeping the money though" Tamera says laughing. I laugh right along with her. I mean what was I supposed to do give the money away? Hell no I earned it. 


Me and Tamera were sitting in a booth at Applebee's eating appetizers, when my ex Anthony walked in. "Oooo is that Anthony Walker? I still cant believe you broke up with him." Tamera says staring at him. "He was an cheater, and not to mention he hit me that one time" Tamera looked at me like I had an booger on my face.

"He hit you and you didn't say anything? Girl you know I would've had Day Day, Darius and Darwin whoop his ass" "Yeah I know and that's exactly why I didn't say anything" I reply shaking my head. Damon, Darius, and Darwin were Tamera's big brothers and since I was like a sister to Tammy they recruited me too.

"Oh look he's walking this way" Tamera sang. I groan in frustration, When I broke up with Anthony, I told him I moved to New York. "Hey Jordyn. How have you been."  I was about to reply when Tamera started waving her arms in the air to get someone's attention. "Chris! Chris!" 

I look around Anthony and there he is in the flesh. Chris awkwardly walks towards her until he see's me. Then he smiles. He slides into the booth with Tammy. "Ant this is Chris" Tamera says a little too happy. "I've heard of him, you;re a lawyer right?" Anthony says staring at Chris who's staring at me. "Yeah, pretty rich one too"  Chris says cockily, when Anthony sits down next to me and puts his arms around my waist. 

"Well good job on your success man" Anthony says, while getting up. "I talk to you later babe" Anthony says kissing me. Kissing me right in front of Chris. When Anthony leaves Chris releases the death grip he had on the silverware. After glaring at me, for what seemed like an eternity, he finally speaks up.

"Does your little boyfriend know you were riding me, just last night?" "That's not my boyfriend, Chris. He's my ex." "Your ex? Then why did he just stick his tongue down your damn throat Jordyn" Chris says quietly through gritted teeth. "I- I don't know" I say lowering my head. If I didn't feel like a whore earlier, I surely did now. "Exactly" he says storming out of the building completely.

I call the waiter over and pay for the bill. I don't even wait for Tamera to put her jacket on, I just walk out. She stares at me, before speaking up "I'm sorry I didn't know that situation would turn into the whole 'Whose ego is bigger' problem." I don't acknowledge her as I continue to drive. 

"I guess I'm not spending the night huh?" Tammy says sighing as she watches me pull up into her drive way. No more words are spoken as she walks up to her door and goes inside. I'm not mad at Tammy at all its just, this whole situation has my mind racing. Why did Chris get mad anyways, was he falling for me? And did Anthony's punk ass kiss serve as the message that he wanted to get back together?

The whole ride home I thought long and hard. I don't know what to do. When I walked inside the apartment building I thanked the lord for this place having elevators, cause a sister had to pee. I mentally cursed myself out for not using the bathroom all day on my ride up. 

I literally ran full speed to the bathroom. As I was relieving my bladder I felt something plop out. I immediately got scared because what would come out of there? After sitting there for a while and figuring out that nothing else was going to come out my vaginal canal, I stand up. 

My face flushed as I stared at the condom floating in the toilet. He let the fucking condom slip. I cried silently as I stood in the shower, wanting to die. When I got out I called Tamera. 

"Wait so he didn't even tell you?" Tamera says sitting on my bed. "Not a word about it" I say sitting there staring blankly. "Well there's the plan B pill if you don't want to be pregnant, but at the same time, you may not even be pregnant" Tamera says rubbing my back.

"I don't know, Tammy I'm not ready for a kid right now"  I say snapping out of my trance. "Then lets go get the pill..." I look at her and nod. We go to Walmart and buy the pills. I get home and take the pill.

"See now you never have to talk to his ass again" Tamera says smiling. I glance at myself one more time in the bathroom mirror before I turn off the light, go into my bedroom and go to sleep.

This has been a long day.

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