Chapter 1

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"Jordyn its time we have an talk" I sigh as I plop down on the couch. "What is it?" "You need to pack your things.... We've bought you an apartment...."

I put my hand up to stop my father. "Wait you guys are putting me out?" I ask with an confused look on my face. "Jordyn, sweet heart, you're 21 we feel we don't need to take care of you anymore" "So what am I supposed to do about money?"

"Get a job, Jordyn its not hard" my dad says with no sympathy. "Fine whatever, you two will miss me" I mumble walking upstairs.

I pull my suitcases and duffle bags and start placing things in them. "This shit is going to take hours"

After packing everything into my Acura. I go inside, grab my purse, and walking out the house without saying two words to those two.


I walk into my apartment, and I must admit, I'm surprised. After walking around the fully furnished house, I call my best friend Tamera and tell her the news.

"Sooo when can I come over and chill?" "Now. as long as you bring food, daddy bought pots and pans but didn't bother to fill up the fridge" I explain causing her laugh. "I'll be over in a lil"


"I can't believe you've never this dress" Tamera said holding it up. "Im guessing you want to wear it?.... Gon head" I laugh as she squeals and runs into the bathroom. I stare at myself in my red dress and cheetah print red bottoms.

I'm looking through my jewelry box when my phone flashes indicating I have a text.

-Use your money wisely

I roll my eyes and toss my phone on the bed. After settling for a straight look I curl Tamera's hair and we head out, to the hottest club in Tappahannock. Paradise.



Me and Micheal walked into paradise like we owned the place. We walk up to the VIP section, that Micheal rented out for the night for the two of us. After sitting down in silence, Micheal spoke up.

"Bro you can't still be moping around about her, she didn't want you she wanted someone else" I look at him wth a duh face. Those were her exact words 'Chris I want someone else'. She just left me there on one knee looking like an complete fool. I was broken out of my trance when Micheal drags me over to the rail of the VIP section.

"Look at all the women would kill to be with a guy like you..... Come on bro, put it like this. You single now, you can fuck who you want when you want.. The best way to get over a girl is to get under a different one." I sighed staring at my best friend. He was right what would I need a female for?

Me and Micheal have been her for a good two hours and the sections packed now. I standing at the rail looking down at the crowd when I see two females walk in. Who the hell comes to the club at one in the morning?

After watching them for a little while I notice one getting pulled away by a guy to the dance floor, leaving the other at the bar alone. I dont know what washed over me but when I seen her I wanted her. Bad. I make my way to the bar and sit next to her. just like any woman she glances over at me, and I shoot her one of my million dollar smiles. She seems unfazed and turns her head,

I call the bartender over and order a whole bottle of patron. I lean over and whisper, "I really hope you wont make me drink this whole bottle alone". Her head snaps around so fast I cant help but to laugh.

"Did I startle you?" I ask grinning. She looks me up and down, and her eyes land on my Rolex. She turns and faces me, and says "I wasn't planning to if you were going to share" I like her already.

"My name is Chris" "Jordyn" I repeat her name which causes her to blush and look away. I ask the bartender to give me two shot glasses.


Me and Jordyn were on our fifth shot, and you could tell she wasn't a heavy drinker. The girl was all over the place. She was telling me how her parents put her out for no reason.. "Like they expect me.... To l-live in a place a-alone" " Well im sorry to hear that, but dont you want to be free." I ask her pouring her yet another shot.

She stares at me for a moment before she speaks up. "You rich or something?" "Not really, Im just an successful lawyer" I reply checking the time. "Maybe you should go find your friend." "O-ok" She says smiling before stumbling off.

She surprises me when she shows back up. "Did you find her?" I ask skeptical. "Yeah, I gave her the keys" "Im guessing you're trying to leave with me then."

When she nids her head I grab her hand and tell the bouncer to tell Micheal I'm out. When we get to my house she barely can walk up the stairs so I grab her waist to support her. "Wow your house is... amazing."

When we get up to my room lay her on the bed and get just what I had been wanting all night. Her.

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