Chapter 16

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I walked into my office tired as ever. All Jae does is cry. All Jordyn does is complain. I get no sleep.

I took two months off and still dont want to be here. "Hi Mr. Brown. How's the baby" My assisstant Kelli asked.

"The baby is noisy" I answered walking into my office. "Tamera came earlier this week. She gave me her new number to give you" She sat a peice of paper on my desk.

"Whoa.... You look like you're about to die...Are you okay?" She asked placing her hand on my forehead. "Im fine Kelli, thanks" I say moving her hand.

"Well if you guys need anything like a babysitter or something, hit me up" With that she walked out of my office.

I sighed and placed my head down on my desk and slowly drifted to sleep.


"Mr. Brown I cancelled all your meetings. Go home and get some rest" Kelli said softly after shaking me awake.

I look at her and smile, slightly embarassed that she caught me sleeping on the job.



"Jae I seriously dont know what you want. I've fed you, burped you, changed you, sang to you, Im holding you. What else do you want?" I whine looking at her cry in my arms.

I get up to look out the window when I hear the front door open. What's he doing home so early?

I walk and stand at the top of the stairs waiting for him to come up. When he does he takes Jae out of my arms and lays her head on his shoulder.

He begins to lightly bounce her and hum. Surprisingly that makes her calm down.

Soon enough she's sleep. "How do you do that?" I whisper. He shrugs his shoulders while laying her in her crib.

He quietly shuts the door to her room and quietly enters ours. "I guess you're not talking to me for whatever reason"

"I'm tired" He replies in an hushed tone.

I instantly get upset. "What the hell do you mean you're tired? I wake up when she cries, I feed her, I change her"

"Why do you want to argue?" "Why do you have an attitude?"

"I'm tired. Not once did I have an attitude. I have one now because you clearly want to argue and I dont want to argue because Im tired."

"Why didnt you say that?" I asked
"I did tell you. I said I'm tired." He said getting clothes to get in the shower.



Once I got done showering I went to check on Jae and surprisingly she was still sleep. I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Yes. Then he gon have the nerve to say he tired." I just walk past her to the refrigerator. Her ass got some friends and that's all they do. Talk shit about nothing.

"We should. Yes it be hella niggas in there." I shake my head and walk upstairs.


I stared at Jordyn. I dont know where she is going in that little ass dress though.

"Are you going to keep staring at me?" I scoff and shake my head. "Okay what's your problem now?" She madly asked.

"Where are you going?" "Out." "With who?" I asked matching her irritating tone.

"My friends...I need a break" She answered sighing. "So you going out with your hoeish friends, to a place that has hella niggas, in a slutty dress?"

"I was playing when I said that. And plus Nicole needs to find a man." I rolled my eyes. "Nicole is a hoe. Who is going to date a hoe?"

Smirking, she turns around to face me. "I dont know Chris.... Even though I'm marrying a man who slept with my bestfriend. Whats the diff?"

I glare at her and shrug my shoulders. "Fine go be a hoe with Nicole see if I care"


I giggled at his childish remark. "Im not going to be a hoe. Plus I'm going with Jess too. And Lord knows she's a saint."

"Well can you change? That dress is more revealing than the one you had on when I met you"

I roll my eyes and walk out of the bedroom.

"Bitch I didnt even think Chris would let you out the house" Nicole said downing her fourth shot.

I shake my head at her. I dont know why everybody thinks Chris is my daddy... He got a whole daughter and son for that.

I continue to sip on my martini when I noticed that Jess was staring off into the crowd.

Then I see her. A 9 month pregnant Tamera. I roll my eyes at the sight. All of a sudden gun shots go off.

Okay I know its short.... But I'm updating again tonight.

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