Chapter 19

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"Oh she's walking now" Trina exclaims after she watches Jae walk to me. "Yeah.... Carter sits up" I say laughing.

Me and Trina have developed a sibling like bond. After sitting down and talking to her she a really cool chick.

"So how's Jordyn?" "Great, she does interior design." I smile thinking about how happy she was when she told me.

"She still hates me?" Trina asks sighing. "Of course she doesn't" I shoot her an reassuring smile, to cover up my lie. Jordyn hates her.

We sat and talked for awhile and I agreed to let her keep Carter for a night. "Alright he's all set" I sit up after placing Carter into his car seat.

I watch her pull off before going in the house. I pull out my cell phone and call Jordyn's office.


"Let me call you back..." "Let me guess, fiance again?"

I sigh and rub my temples. " Kevin you already know the deal. We sleep together, that's it. No strings attached."

It's silent for a while until I hear the dial tone.

"Hey babe." I say in a chirpy tone. "Hey sweetheart. What you up to?"

"Nothing sitting here. I picked out all of the things I need for Ms. Johnson's house, I'm just waiting on the shipments."

"That old bat doesn't need anything done with her house... She's almost finish here."
I laugh at the seriousness in his voice. I don't know why him and Ms. Johnson hate each other, but they are always insulting each other.

"Be nice."

My best friend/assistant Meghan barged into my office. "We have a major problem"

"What is it?" "Kevin is out here." "Hey babe" Kevin says pushing through Meghan. "Who's that?"

"No...Nobody Chris." I stutter out. Kevin comes and grabs the phone and starts to have a casual conversation with Chris.

I am in tears when I hear him tell Chris how long we've been sleeping around. I damn near die when he tells Chris that he's been going in raw... Which is partially true.

He smirks and hands me the phone that I take with shaky hands. "Hello" I say barely audible. "Maybe you should come home, so we can discuss a few things" "O-okay" I respond shakily. He quickly hangs up.

"You okay?" Meghan asks peeking in. "Do I look okay?" "Sorry hun. Just asking though" I shake my head and gather my things. As I'm walking out I brush pass her making her stumble a little.

I drive below the speed limit. When I pull up into the driveway my heart is beating so hard, I have to clutch my chest. Chris can be extremely irrational when it comes to betrayal.

Before I can pull out my key the door is yanked open revealing a angry Chris. He steps out looking around the quiet and surprisingly empty neighborhood, before roughly yanking me into the house.

I instantly start sobbing. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry" I cry while he drags me towards the basement. He tosses me down the flight of steps making me hit my head hardly on the cold floor.

I'm in so much shock that I can't even move when I see his foot getting ready to connect with my face. I close my eyes as I take the pain. After hearing him call me everything but my name and a child if God, I feel him drag me by my leg.

Soon after he sits me in a chair and begins to chain me to it. "See Jordyn all I did was love you. You just had to go and fuck around with another man. I gave you..."

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