Chapter 15

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After breaking in to Jordyns house, I checked it and found it empty. I sat on the couch watching T.V.


Im starting to grow impatient. Its been over 5 hours of waiting for her.

I quickly turn off the tv when I hear someone unlock the door. I sit there confused when I notice the 6 foot silhouette. I start to panick and begin to feel like I'm in the wrong house. The person flicks on the light and I notice that its her boyfriend.

From the looks of it we're both wondering the same thing. "What are you doing and how did you get in here?" He asked loudly.

"Where's my baby moma and why are you here?" If looks could kill I would be in a casket.

After standing there a little while he closes the door. I soon stand up getting the feeling he wants to fight.

My phone starts to ring and he stares at it on the table, causing me to stare at it, which I now regret.

I groan in pain as i slide down the wall and onto the floor. He stomps me until I cant even feel what he's doing anymore.

I hear him say the words, "You better stay away from my fiance and my daughter"

After laying there I manage to stand up. I watch as he comes down the stairs which indicates the baby was born, based on the things he's carrying.

I walk past him and towards the door. I leave after muttering "Congratulations".


I get in the car with the baby stuff and head back to the hospital. When I get back to the hospital almost everyone has left except, of course, my mother.

"There you are now I can go home and get some rest" my mother says kissing me on the cheek and walking out.

"How you feeling?" "Like a mother... I already love her more than I love life itself" I smile as I watch Jae sleep in Jordyns arms.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I was thinking about when you asked me if I would of ever married you."

"Oh" was all she replied and I seen tears forming in her eyes. "I'll admit I didnt want to, at first, but now I do because I love you. I want to spend every day with you..." I pause and pull out the 24 karat ring, "and little Jae Mac" I watch her face go from confused to happy to.... Angry??

"Whats wrong?" I question fearing the worst. "Stop calling her that" she answered relieving the chest pain I was starting to develop.

"But yes.... I will marry you. Though I hate to admit it, I want to spend every day of my life with you" I smile and place the ring on her finger. I lean down and kiss her, and for the first time, there was a different feeling in the kiss. It wasnt lust like usually. It felt like love.


Its been a whole week and Jae can finally come home today. Im happy because this gave me time to put everything together, plus finish shopping for her.

The nurses showed me how to properly install a car seat. And I was on my way. When I got home everybody was there for the baby shower.


I was relieved once my mother left, of course she was the last one to leave. She had to show Jordyn how to wash the baby, how to hold the baby, how to put the baby to sleep. I promise she does the most.

Now I had to take the stuff upstairs. Everybody basically bought the same thing. Im sooo happy Jae will never run out of the 200+ binkys. Note the sarcasm.

After quietly putting her stuff in her room, I went to me and Jordyns room to find the bed empty. I shrugged. Her fault if I took up all the bed.

As I was changing she emerged from the bathroom. "I cant wait until these 6 weeks are up"

"What does 6 weeks mean?" "I can do a few things with my fiancé" she replies in a seductive tone. I scrunch my face up. "That's nasty". "Shut up Chris"

Sorry for the wait. (NOT EDITED)

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