Chapter 13

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*2 Months Later*

"Its a boy" Tammy whispers grabbing my hand that was resting on her belly. "I know,  Im happy" I say smiling and standing up.

"You know that you dont have to wait for me Chris. I can walk myself out" "Nah you good"

I walk Tammy out to her car and give her a small peck on her cheek, dont need her sex hormones racing.

I watch her drive off and hop into my lambo. "What you doing?" "Nothing, what she having?" Jordyn asked. "Chill..... A boy" She gets quiet and I hear sniffling. Cry baby.

"What's wrong now?" I ask sighing. "I should've had your boy, not her" My face masks confusion. "So you dont want to have my little girl?"


"Chris it's not like that. Look can you just come home please?" "Sure." I say hanging up. I swear something is mentally wrong with her.

I pull up to see Jordyn putting her bags in her car. I sigh in frustration, watching her. After a little while I get out the car and decide to help. "Need some help?" "No fuck you" I shrug my shoulders and sit down on the couch.

I started scrolling through my e-mail, when I hear glass shattering near my head. I look up from my phone and see her staring at me. "What's wrong with you now?" I say scrunching up my face.

She just rolls her eyes and stomps out of the house. Well I guess I'll go to the office.


He better hope he even gets to see his..... Wait. If I leave Tammy's thot ass will run to him. I'll call him later.

After driving for a while I pull up to my parents house. My mother is standing in the door way shaking her head. "You're back again" She says sounding annoyed.

I roll my eyes and walk right pass her. "Hey daddy" I chime. "Hey babygirl" he says standing up and hugging me. "We wont be able to hug in a little while". "Yeah she's getting pretty big. I cant wait till she's here" I smile just thinking of how pretty she is going to be. Me and my dad catch up until we hear my mom calling us for dinner.

"Oh look at you Jordyn, you've sure have grown". Great one of my mother snotty friends. I reply with a small smile. "Did I miss the wedding?" she asks. "What wedding?" I say scrunching my face up at her. She just stares at my mother for an explanation. "Jordyn went off and had relations with a man she met at a bar, and now she's pregnant" My mother replies to her friend.

Had relations? My mother is really showing out now. "He's a decent and very respectful young man" my dad adds glaring at my mother. " I just dont see why the new generation feels like its okay to have sex before marriage" I laugh as I watch my mother choke on her steak.

"I dont see what's wrong with it. I mean it happens, its life. I dont see how the old generation acts like they followed every rule knowing damn well they didnt" I say looking my mother in the eyes.

"Jordyn dont disrespect us by cursing at the table" My mother scolds. "Fine I'll stand. And who in the hell says relations? Me and Chris had sex, we got it in, we fucked"

My mother looked like she wanted to slap the black off of me. But my father on the other hand looked as if he wanted to laugh. "I think its time for me to leave" "Oh no you can stay. I'll go home and fuck the shit out of my baby daddy" I say walking towards the door. As I'm walking out I hear my dad laughing and my mom apologizing for my choice of vocabulary.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing. I think we both know that my mood swings are pretty bad, so I went to my parents house got the money i had there and Im staying at my apartment for a while." "You sure? Because you can come home and I'll just leave you alone" "Nope. I need to be completely alone" I dont Chris the chance to reply before I hang up.


I dont know why but that conversation made me feel like she was leaving forever. I sat at my desk and looked at sonogram pictures of my daughter. I start thinking about everything thats went on in the last 6 months. One of my kids is going to have a part time father, or both of them. I cant do that. But how in the world would I have both of them primarily? I know that I wont cause they got crazy ass mothers.

I sigh and call my mother. "I was starting to think you'd forgot about me" My mother answers with a tone that made me smile. "How's the baby?" "I have two now" "Twins!" My mother yells, which caused me to laugh. "No. Two mothers" My mother gets silent. "Baby I hope you didnt cheat on that girl" "Not technically"

"What does that mean?" I sigh. "Me and Jordyn weren't together at the time"
It seems like eternity before my moma speaks again. "Are you happy?" "No. I think Jordyn doesnt want to be together, and I want to be with her."

"Then tell her and show her that she's the one. What are you going to do about the other one?" I sit and think about what I want to say. "She gets around" I hear my mothers laughter in the background. "I understand" We talk for about hours until i realise it was time for me to get off.

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