Chapter 5

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"My father will attempt to be scary, but he's only testing you" I say as I drive me and Chris to my parents house. My mother took a whole different approach to the situation. She wants grand kids so bad, that when I told her I thought she was going to have a heart attack. Literally.

Chris seems the least bit of worried though. Every time I look over at him, he has a very calm look on his face. We continue on for a good 30 minutes. Yes, my parents really wanted me gone; moving me about 45 minutes away from them. 

I pull into the grand driveway of my used-to-be home. "Looks like they had more than enough space for you" Chris says looking out the window at the house. I nod my head. "Ok any question they ask you, make it seem like you have me and the baby's best interest in mind." He just nods his head, and even rings the doorbell.

I'm just as surprised as Chris when Anthony opens the door. He smiles and pulls me into an hug, "Hey babe". I pull away from him quickly and turn around to look at Chris. He still has this calm face thing going on, but I can tell he wants to hurt Ant.

I turn around and slap Anthony so hard, I'm pretty sure his whole family felt it.  He stares at me, then at Chris, then back at me. "Move out our damn way" I semi yell. I make my way towards the kitchen and greet my parents. 

"There's my baby girl" My mother exclaims hugging me and kissing my forehead. See told ya, they miss me. "I thought I told you to visit frequently" "I would mama but the way my money is set up, I can..." 

"Where's the so successful lawyer" My dad interrupts. I glance at him, and turn on my heel to find Chris. I walk out of the kitchen, and who's there? Anthony. He grabs me by my neck; cutting off any air I thought I had.

"So that's yo baby daddy?" He says squeezing my neck harder. "You want him instead of me?". I roll my eyes. This nigga dumb and crazy. He's choking me and expects me to answer him. He just stares at me and starts to squeeze tighter. I can feel myself slipping.

Next thing I hear is alot of commotion and I feel my lungs filling up with air again. Everything's black, but I can still hear. I do the only thing I can. Pray. For me and my baby.



I laugh a little as Jordyn struts into the kitchen. I look to my right and see that Anthony dude staring at me. I shake my head and I ask him where the bathroom is. To my surprise he tells me, and tells me right.

After using the bathroom and washing my hands, I stare at myself in the mirror. I'm going to be an father in 7 months, alot of changes have to be made to my life and I'm debating on telling Jordyn that I've been sleeping with her best friend. 

I stand there thinking until I hear faint noises that sound like.... gasping. I follow the the noises to the stair rail. My heart pounds so hard that its all I hear. I rush down the stairs to find Anthony choking the life out of Jordyn. 

Without thinking I quickly rush him and he releases Jordyn.

After getting pulled apart from Anthony, I rush towards Jordyn only to find that she's unconscious. I quickly grab her keys and rush her to the hospital.



I open my eyes, and look around the room that's faintly lit by the flat screen mounted on the wall. I look over and see a monitor that's connected to me with IV's. As I come to my senses I remember what happened. Anthony tried to kill me, and someone saved me.

I sit up and instantly regret it, as I feel a sharp pain in my head. After holding my head in my hands for a while, I get the feeling that someone is staring at me. I lift my head up and look to my left, and there he is staring at me with those beautiful orbs he calls eyes.

"Are you okay?" Chris curiously asks. I give him a faint reassuring smile. My smile then fades away. "Is the baby...?" I stop mid-sentence fearing the answer. "Trust me I asked about the baby before I asked about you and he or she is in perfect condition" I want to smile at him because our child is okay, but he didn't need to add the 'i asked about the baby before I asked about you thing'.

He must've read my mind because he replies, "I asked about you too, like 10 seconds later". I laugh and shake my head. "No better?" He asks smiling. I shake my head no. "Where's.." "They went home, I reassured them that you were in good hands" "I think you're psychic, you answer things before I ask them." 

After watching TV for awhile I get up to go to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Chris says almost scaring the pee out of me. "To the restroom. I need to pee." I respond. After washing my hands I look at myself in the mirror. I'm growing in my mid-section. 

My stomach growling knocks me out of my daydream that I was having. "Chris!" I yell, but instantly start laughing when he burst thought the door with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong" He sounds out of breath like he just ran a cross country marathon. "We're" I say while gesturing to my stomach, "hungry".

His face is priceless. "I thought you were hurt, or something else" He mumbles before walking out of the restroom.  I follow him laughing, and thinking of what I want to eat. "Can you get subway?" I ask in my most innocent voice. "Sure, anything else". I smile because he's still upset. God he's taking this father thing too serious.

"How did she lose the baby?" I ask making him stop putting on his jacket. "Who?" He says turning around. "Your ex..." "She aborted it" He throws over his shoulder and walks away. I look down at my pudge in disbelief.

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