Chapter 11

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I make my way to Jordyn's parents house. She still not answering my phone calls, which is slightly making me worry. The last thing I need is her leaving me.

I pull up in the driveway and throw my car in park. I call Jordyn once again and she answers on the first ring.

"What the hell are you doing Chris?" "I want to see you" I say clearing my throat. "I dont see what for. Go choke somebody else" Her reply makes me laugh a little. "What the fuck is sooo funny Christopher?"
"Nothing baby.... Look Im sorry I really need to see you though" "Why?" She says attitude clearly in her voice. "Because you're carrying my child that's why" I say in a duh tone.

"Chris....." "Jordyn". She's silent for so long that I check my phone to see if she hung up. "Jordyn?" "Im on my way out" woth that she hangs up.

I get out and open the door for her. After jogging around to my side and getting in the car, I look at her. The slightly faded bruises on her neck stick out to me. I cringe at the memory of my outburst.

"We just gon sit here or...?" Jordyn states snapping me out of my thoughts. I pull out of the driveway and head towardsbthe highway.

"You look like you've been eating" I say breaking the silence. Her response was sniffles. "Jordyn what's wrong?" I asked feeling confused.

"Is that why you cheat on me Chris? Because Im fat?" she yells with tears streaming down her face. What the actual fuck. "Jordyn one I haven't cheated since we've been official. Two you're not fat your pregnant"

"Yeah but I look like I've been eating" she retorts sacastically. "You do. That's good to me though. You have to feed my daughter."
"I have to feed OUR SON" she says clearly still upset.

"Are you hungry?" She scoffs and shakes her head. "Stop the damn car Chris" "Why?" "Because I said so.... Now pull over" I shrug my shoulders and pull over on the side of the highway.

"Jordyn what are you doing?" I ask watching her take off her seat belt. "Unlock the door" I stare at her for a little while before I come up with an amusing plan.

I click the unlock button located on my door, and when she reaches to open the door I click the lock button.

"Chris stop" she says looking annoyed. "Ok" I say in the best serious voice I can put on. I press the unlock button and she stares at me for a moment before reaching for the handle.

As soon as she places her hand on the handle and pulls it I click the lock button. "Chris!" she yells and punches me in the arm. I laugh rubbing my arm. "Im sorry.... Ok here" I say unlocking the door and sitting my hands on the steering wheel.

As soon as she reaches for the door I press the lock button on my keys. She glares at me. By now Im laughing so hard im in tears. "Put yo seatbelt back on. You not getting out." I say laughing.

She takes her heel off and starts hitting the passenger window with it. My laughing instantly stops. "Jordyn stop." "Fuck off" she replies through gritted teeth.

"Jordyn you're wasting your time...... The windows are bullet proof. If a bullet cant break them, Im sure you cant." She turns around and stares at me with a look that I thought only satan could make.

"Im-Fucking-Possible!" she yells leaning back in the seat. "Very fucking possible" I sing making myself laugh.


"So you and Chris don't talk anymore?" I ask Tamera. "Nope no real need to".
I watch her eat. Man she really is tearing that steak up. "Do you always eat like this?" I ask not holding my curiosity in.
She stares at me for a moment before replying. "Yep. I was raised around alot of food so I eat." "oh" i say feeling skeptical of her pause before she responded. I broke up with my baby moma but Im still taking care of my child.

Truth be told Tammy a down chick and I wouldnt mind making us official. Plus I know Chris wouldn't mind since she not on Jordyn's level in his mind.

After we get done eating dinner, Tammy wants about 3 different desserts. As we wait on the waitress to return we hear an familiar chuckle. "Wassup Chris" I say dapping him. "Wassup Mike, Tammy?" he says looking surprised.

"Yeah I was hoping you didnt mind" "I dont. Make sure you tell him your lil secret" He says before giving me one if those bro-hugs. (Idk know what to call them)

"What secret?" I ask returning to my seat. "I-Im pregnant by Chris" she say lowly. I sit back in my seat and laugh, shaking my head. "You get around alot huh?"

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