Chapter 4

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I'm so happy that he took it good, and that he's paying for my food. It's kinda cute though; listening to him ramble on about the baby and things we need to do. "I cant wait until he's here. The room next to mines can be his. Do you think his room should be blue or green." He asks looking up at me. I laugh and shake my head.

"Well I think... That you shouldn't even be thinking of that right now. Chris the baby hasn't even developed a regular head" I say smirking. "I'm just excited right now Jordyn. I didn't even know I was going to have a baby... so soon"  He states looking elsewhere.

I grab a hold of his hand which causes him to look at me. "Long story?" He nods his head. "I have plenty of time."


"I still can't believe that you're 21 and you don't have a job" . "I never had to work, all I had to do was graduate and they had the rest from there." I say walking in the grass barefoot. "What's up with you and your ex?" Chris says stopping and sitting down. I shrug my shoulders.

After I told Anthony I might've been pregnant, he got ghost. I mean like no text or anything. "We don't talk anymore" I say sitting next to him. He looks me up and down and asks "Are you cold?" "No. Why, were you going to give me your jacket?" I asks laughing and nudging his shoulder.

"Actually no I was going to tell you to dress warmer next time" He replies laughing. I can't help but crack a smile. We sit there in a comfortable silence, well until Chris phone rings. I raise my eyebrows in confusion when he hurriedly ignores the call. 

It's not that I'm jealous or anything, but I do want to know who called him. I open my mouth to ask him about it, but I stop short when his phone rings again. This time he ignores it with a message. "You know I can head home if you have somewhere to be" I say pointing at his phone. "Oh no Jordyn it's not like that, I don't have anybody at home. It's my brother." He says looking at me. 

I smile though I know he's lying. I have some gut feeling it's a female. I look away, and for some reason I start to cry. "Chris can you take me to my car" I choke out. "Jordyn, she's nobody important. She...". I turn around and stare at him. "She what? She's your girlfriend right? Well tell her I hope she's ready to play a step mother" I storm off and call Tammy.

"Can you come get me from Olive Park?" "What in the world are you doing there?" "Tammy...Please" I hear her sigh. "Sure." I hang up my phone and put it my purse. "Did you still need a ride" Chris says lowkey scaring me. "Nope." "Do you want me to wait with you, it's late?" "No Chris. No I don't want anything." I say in a harsh tone. 

He sighs and makes his way over to his car. When he gets in he just sits there. I smack my lips and roll my eyes. I just told him no, and he's still watching me. I sit down on a bench and look down at my stomach.

"Mommy does not know how she's going to tell your grandparents" I say rubbing my stomach. The more I look at it, the more I picture it growing. It's like just looking at my stomach made me fall in love.

I jump when Tammy honks her horn and waves at me. I start to make my way over to her car. Then I remember my heels are in Chris' car. I knock on his window and he unlocks the door. "I just need my shoes, my ride is here" I say grabbing them.

Before I can shut the door, he speaks, "Who's that?" "Tammy, my best friend" I say shutting the door. "So how'd it go with Mr. Brown" Tamera asked me once I got in the car. "He took it well. And I think he's going to take this whole father thing to the max" I say, remembering how he was at the restaurant.

"That's great.... for you" she mumbles the last part. "Tammy trust me, you don't want this. The morning sickness is horrible" I say laughing. I look over at her and see her clenching the steering wheel, making her knuckles white.

I wonder what she's mad about. The rest of the car ride is silent. "Thanks" I say looking at my best friend. She doesn't even acknowledge me. I shake my head and get out of her car, and into mines. 


So I have an job interview with a fashion designer, as an personal assistant. Hey all she asked was if I listened well, and I do. I decide to call Chris to apologize for my hormonal outbreak yesterday, but he doesn't pick up. 

"I'll just go to his office after the interview" I say glancing at myself one more time before grabbing my keys and purse. 


After I get out of the interview, I turn my phone back on and see that I have 4 missed calls from Chris, a few texts, and a voice mail. I call him back and he answers at the first ring.

"Whats wrong? Are you in pain or anything?" He says in a panic. "No, I just wanted to apologize for last night. It's the hormones working. I didn't mean anything" I say sighing at the end.

"I'm not mad Jordyn. It's my fault I lied to you" I nod my head agreeing with him. "I got an job" I exclaim, breaking the silence we had going on. "That's great, but I'll doubt you'll last" he responds. "I think I will. Hater" "I'm not hating on no one. I just know you, Jordyn. You don't want to work." "What other choice do I have? It isn't about what I want anymore, it's about what I need"

"I could work for the both of us.." He pauses like he's trying to think of something. "We don't have to be couple, I can just provide for you" I think about it. That's a good deal but he has a whole female at home to provide for. "But what about your girlfriend? If I was your girlfriend I wouldn't want you providing for some other female"

"You're not any female, you're the mother of my child. All I wanted was a child, and you've gave me on. I owe you". I smile. "Ok, but be prepared. I get hungry at night" I say causing him to laugh.

We talk for a little while longer until I get sleepy. I tend to do that a lot now. I don't want to party, I don't want to hang out. I just want to eat and sleep. I go to sleep thinking of baby names.


I wake up to my phone ringing; Its my dad. "Hey daddy" I say in a groggy tone. "Were you napping?" He asks. "Yes, but it's fine. What's up?" "Nothing lil one, just wanted to check up on you. Everything good?" I sigh. Here goes nothing, because it's better sooner than later. "Daddy... I'm pregnant". The line gets quiet. I stay quiet out of the fear that he might pull me through the phone and strangle me.

"I hope you didn't go out and have an one night stand with some wanna-be thug" My father says. "No daddy, he's a lawyer and he has plenty of money" I say defending myself and Chris. "Money doesn't equal love. Has he even talked to you after that night?" "Yes we just got off the phone. He wants to provide for me and the baby". I wait for my father to ask another question, but he doesn't. "I want to meet him". After that the line goes dead. Parents.

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