Chapter 8

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Chris POV

"She what!" I yell into the phone. I knew Jordyn wasn't too fond of me and Tamera sleeping around, but I didnt think that she was going to go and fight her. "Well are you okay?" "Yeah me and the baby are fine". Her and the baby? "You babysitting?" "No." "Oh.... Well i didn't know you had a kid" I say standing up from desk.

"Chris I'm pregnant... By you" She replies sniffling. I wasn't even surprised. Of course she was pregnant, the weight gain, always at my office crying and what-not. "How much do abortions cost?". I heard the sniffling stop. "What in the hell do you mean, how much do abortions cost? How about how much do diapers or formula cost. Chris".

 "Look Tammy, me and you both know that the baby probably not even mine.." I say rubbing chin. "So you're calling me a hoe?" She semi yells. "No... But you did sleep with me knowing Jordyn did. But look, tell me the price so I can give you this money" I say getting my check book out.

"How can you do this to me, this isn't fair. You gon claim her baby, but not mine?! Fuck you Chris, I don't wan't your money. Keep it cause I'm not getting an abortion.... Especially since the baby ain't yours" She yells and hangs up.

I shrug my shoulders and put my checkbook back into my desk. After that I get my jacket to leave. "Hi Mr. Brown" a pretty lil' short girl says walking by. I flash a smile and head nod, but continue on my way.


As soon as I step through the door, a heel flies towards my head. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask Jordyn. "Do you know she pregnant?" "Who?" I asked playing stupid. "Tamera is fucking pregnant, Chris." Jordyn says staring at me. "I didn't know that. It must not be mine" I say walking into the kitchen. "What makes you so sure? You did sleep with her" "Yeah... I did but she also slept with me, knowing I slept with you. Who knows who else she been with"

After I said that Jordyn dropped the convo.

Jordyn POV

Maybe Chris was right. Maybe it isn't his child. I'm in deep thought when my phone starts ringing. "Hello?" I ask questioning the unknown caller. "Hey Jordyn. How you been?" Anthony voice boomed over the phone. I quickly hang up and sit down on the bed and cry.

A few minutes later I feel Chris wrap his arms around me. "What's wrong? Are you hurt or something?" I shake my head no, and Chis starts rubbing my back. Within minutes I'm sleep.

I wake up to the sound of Chris singing. I walk down the stairs and see him drawing. I look at his drawing and smile. "You think it's a girl?" I ask. "I know she's a girl" He replies not looking up from his drawing pad. I smile and get up to make us dinner.

"Dinner is ready" I say walking behind him glancing at the spray cans he pulling out of a duffel bag. "Alright. You think she'l like purple?" He turns around to ask me. "Maybe," I say pulling him toward the kitchen, "What if she likes pink, or yellow or maybe blue." I say placing his plate infront of him.

"What if she likes purple?" He asks says smiling. "Then she likes purple.... But what if she's a he?" "Impossible... She's a she" I shake my head, he don't even know and what if its a boy? "I want you to meet my mom" He says looking at me. I instantly get nervous. Last time we had a "family meet-up" I ended up in a hospital.

"You sure? I mean, Im sure your mother is a very nice person but.." "But she'll love you so stop being nervous" He says giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back. Once we finish eating, I watch Chris spray paint what he thinks our so-called daughter would look like. He says he saw her once in his dreams and she was a talking baby. "That's because you were probably high... Dreaming about a talking baby" We both laugh. "Probably, but that was my baby"

We spend the rest of the night talking and spray painting.


Tammy POV

I woke up bright and early to get the clinic. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. I love my child but if me sending him back to God means Chris and Jordyn wont hate me. "Tamera Brown" I collect my stuff and follow a nurse into a room.

After a little while, the doctor comes in and talks to me about other options. I tell him I'm sticking with this one.

Once I lay back, tears fill eyes and vomit builds up in throat. I can't do this. I can't do this. "I can't do this" I blurt out.


Chris POV

"Come on dad, lets go play over there" "Alright, Lets race". I laugh as I watch him take off. "I beat you dad!" he says loudly. As I make my way over to him the ground starts to shake and splits open. "We both stare at eachother and his face gets distorted. "Dont let me die dad" He screams. As soon as he says that he falls into a gap. I leap and quickly catch his hand and when I pull him out, he's a newborn. But he's covered in blood and he's not crying. I clutch him tightly to my chest and cry.

I wake up sweating bullets. I look over at Jordyn, and she's sleeping peacefully. I get up and go into the bathroom to splash water on my face. "What's wrong?" Jordyn asks walking into the bathroom. "Nothing. Just a dream" "Are you okay" I stare at her for a while before answering. "Yeah." I walk past her and climb back into the bed.

I hear Jordyn leave the room, and return a few minutes later. "Here" she says making me turn around. I mutter out a thanks, taking the glass of water from her. "It felt real didn't it?" "Yeah. Too real". Jordyn nods her head. "You know they say when a dream feels real, it relates to something that has already happened or something that will" "Where did you hear that?" I say cutting my eyes at her.

"People say it" Jordyn says grabbing my hand and rubbing her thumb across it. "But go back to sleep. It was a dream" Jordyn says laying back down. I follow her actions and drift back into sleep.

I wake up to feel Jordyn not next to me. I walk into the bathroom and think about last night. I pick upmy phone and call Tamera. When she doesn't answer I send her a text.

Meet me at my office. Please.

Sorry for not updating. I really need to start to updating more frequently. Oh yeah this chapter is dedicated to "bubbycake" she told me to update... So here it is girly! Oh and go read her Breezy story. Thanks guys!

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