Chapter 14

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Its been a whole month. Chris calls but I decline them. I need to get my head straight.

Im tired of arguing with him all the time. I know its me who starts all of the arguments so thats why I need to calm down. Stressing myself isnt good for me or the baby.

Im 7 months and I'm hoping she would just come out already. Im seriously tired of being pregnant.

She's up and moving when Im sleep, and acts as if she's dead as a rock when Im awake.

Im watching orange is the new black when i get a call from a Texas number.
"Hello?" "How's my daughter" I quickly hang up. I begin to panick.

How the hell did he get my number and how the hell does he know I'm having a girl. I get up and close the shades, lock the doors and windows, and check around the house.

Extreme? Yes. But I rather be safe than sorry.

I sit on the couch and call Chris. It rings twice and he sends me to voicemail.

No. Not right now.


I refuse to answer her phone calls when she wont answer mine. I place my cellphone back down on my desks and continue going over the case I'm working on.

After a little while I get an uneasy feeling, so I pick up my phone and call Jordyn back.

She answers on the first ring. "Chris" she says crying. "Whats wrong? Whats that sound?" "I dont know but I think Anthony is back". Thats all I had to hear before im out my house and racing to Jordyns apartment.

"Jordyn it's me" She unlocks the door so quick and pulls me in.  I sighed in relief. "Are you okay?" "Yeah Im fine"  "You peed on yourself..." I reply trying to hold in my laugh.

"No I did.... Chris my water broke"  "Wait what?" I ask scratching the back of my head. "My water broke you idiot!"

After getting Jordyn in the car, I race to the hospital. "Are you in pain?" "No but Im hungry and sleepy". This girl.

When we get there I tell the receptionist that I have a woman in labor. She glances up at me and points to the waiting area.

I start to say something to her when I notice that Jordyn is already seated in one of the chairs. "You okay?" I grab her hand and slightly sqeeze it. Her rezponse is laying her head on my shoulder.

"She's early isnt she?" "Only about a month, she's fine Chris" I nod my head.

"What do you want to name her?" "Jaelyn." "Like... A boy?"

"Yeah like Jordyn but Jaelyn" I nod my head remembering her unisex name. "What's her middle name?" "You come up with it."

"Mackenzie" She sits up and laughs. "Jaelyn Mackenzie Brown?" I nod my head smiling. "It has a ring to it" "Jae Mac" I say laughing. "Dont call my daughter that" she says punching me in the arm.

"How long are we suppose to wait here? My back is starting to hurt." Jordyn says standing up.

"Come on we have to go upstairs to the maternity ward and fill out paper work"  Jordyn says after talking to the receptionist. "Why couldnt she tell me that?" "Maybe you intimidated her.... You were quite loud" I shake my head. That's a dumb reason.

When we got upstairs Jordyn talked to a nurse and started to fill out paperwork. I stood around in the waiting room watching a baby commercial.

Once she was done they directed us towards a room. A delivery room I think. She helped Jordyn into her hospital gown and got her situated in the room.

"My back is freaking killing me!" she yelled. I'm over here felling dumb cause I thought only her stomach and vagina was supposed to hurt.

"Why does your back hurt?" "I read somewhere that they have something to do with contractions" I look her confusingly. "What are contractions?" "Painful" she quietly replies. While gripping the railings on the bed. After about 10 seconds her hands loosen up. "Like that?" I ask. "Yeah like that...." she sounds all out of breath. Lol.

Its been 6 hours already and it's alot of people in here. Jordyn is only dialated at a 5 so she cant get that one stuff. I forgot what its called but I know ut takes the pain away.

Of course the cry baby in her didnt stay away for too long, especially when her dad got here. I think her mom doesnt like me though. My mom picked up the vibe too, because she asked me how I put up with her. That's the point I never did.

"Jordyn stop the water works for once" her mother scoffs. "Crying wont stop the pain" she adds walking out. "I dont know what's wrong with her sweetheart, but dont worry about it." Her dad kisses her forehead and goes off to find his wife.

"Is that your mom?" Jordyn asks in a shaky voice. I nod my head. "She looks like you" My mother walks over to the bed and starts to talk to Jordyn. I block them out and stare at Jordyns stomach. My daughter.

Its been 17 hours and Jordyn has finally been told to push.

After 7 good pushes Jaelyn is here. But even after they pinch her she still doesnt make a sound. I felt sick as I watched the nurses rush her out the room. I look down at Jordyn and she's looking at me with tears in her eyes.

After they get her cleaned up and what not. We sit there holding hands in silence. "All that pain" Jordyn whispers. I squeeze her hand and look at her.

A little while later a knock on the door interupts our silence. And the nurse from earlier walks in with two doctors behind her pushing in Jaelyn on a little cot.

"She's a tough one, she's perfectly healthy. I guess we should have told you guys that the pinch didnt really phase her causing her not to cry" The nurse said smiling.

I got up and washed my hands so I could hold Jae. When I got to her bed, we just stared at each other. I didnt know what to do and my mind was racing so much that I didnt even notice she had started to cry.

"Chris pick your daughter up" Jordyn says from behind me. I picked her up and she instantly stop crying and grabbed on to my finger tightly. "Hey little Jae Mac" I whisper holding her tiny hand. "Stop calling her that" Jordyn says laughing.

I rub her hands with my thumbs which causes her to give us the first smile of the day. As soon as Im about to kiss her cheek everybody flocks in.

I then learn I wont be holding her any time soon, once her father came in and took her with every one else waiting for him to pass her around.

I decided to make myself useful and go to Jordyn's house and get her clothes the baby bag and her car seat.

I unlock the door to see. Somebody sitting on the couch. I turn on the light to see....... Anthony?

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