Chapter 3

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*2 Months Later*


I lean on the bathroom door frame, watching the unknown girl sleep. I think she said her name was Diamond or something. Getting girls drunk and bringing them home became an habit after I successfully got away with it, with Jordyn.

Speaking of Jordyn, the little hoe lied to  me. She said she wasn't with that dude, but I could've sworn I saw them walking downtown together. But it's whatever fuck it.  

I start thinking back to that day, I not even sure why I was mad that she had someone. It isn't like we were official. I was startled as my phone started to ring. "Wassup bro" I say walking out of the room. "Nothing what you doing?" Micheal asked like he wasn't calling at 4:30 in the morning. "Nothing wassup?" I ask sitting down on the couch. "I'm about to have another kid" "Great for you bro.. Seriously."

Micheal may be the player type but he loves kids. "Thanks man, I hope she's a girl. When you gon have some?... Oh bro my bad." Micheal says retaliating. "Its cool bro but I'll talk you later" I say hanging up with out giving him a chance to respond.

I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to, but he hit a nerve. My supposed to be fiance right now (but she rejected me) was supposed to be my child's mother, but since she didn't want to ruin the perfect body she supposedly had, she got an abortion. Behind my back.

I didn't even notice the girl creep down the stairs. "Are you okay? She asked sounding really concerned. "I'm fine, but since you're up you can leave" I respond. As I walk past her I give her 200 dollars.

I think the girls feel mistreated when they see my house, and then I turn around and give them 200 dollars. But I think they should feel honored to have me inside them.

I laugh as I watch her stomp around the room, gathering all her stuff.  "Make sure you get it all" I say adding more fuel to the fire. She stops and stares at me. If looks could kill, I would be meeting my maker.

I sigh once I hear the front door slam. I change the sheets and go back to bed. I got a long day at the office tomorrow.


I wake up at 6 in the morning to my alarm going off. I go into the bathroom and take care of my personal hygiene. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I wipe the steam off the mirror and look at myself. 

I stare into my eyes and remember a dream I had a few nights ago.

~A little girl is laying on my chest and she staring into my eyes. I tell her she's beautiful just like her mother and she smiles and says "Thank you daddy"~

Then its over. I sigh and walk into my closet getting an suit out. After getting dressed and making sure I had everything, I left to my office



I slightly jump when the nurse calls my name, to take me to the back. She brings me into a room, where I silently wait on my doctor. 

"Hello Jordyn, how are you today?" doctor Reynolds asks me. "I've seen better days" "And why is that?" "Well I usually throw up in the mornings, overly greasy foods make me feel sick, and my cycle is 6 weeks late" I say in a rushed tone.

"If you can remember, did you have unprotected sex 6 to 8 weeks ago?" Dr. Reynolds asks me. I sit and think about it. There was that one time with Chris. "Yes, once, the condom somehow slipped. I took the plan B pill the day after" Dr. Reynolds nods her head. "Jordyn you are aware that Plan B only affects 95% of women they way it is supposed to.... The pill you took may have failed and you may be pregnant."

I sat there as I waited for Dr. Reynolds to come back. I don't  know what I will do if I'm pregnant. I don't have an job. I've damn near spent the 5 grand daddy gave me. "Ms. Richardson..... Congrats you're about 2 months pregnant."

My world just changed drastically. I get into my car and let it all out. After thinking of all the possible ways this whole thing can play out. I drive home and I sit there and think about life. I grab my laptop and start searching for jobs. 



I lay snuggled up on Chris chest. Yeah I know what yall thinking. Yes I'm messing around with Chris, yes I know that him and Jordyn have history, but Jordyn said she didn't want to be with him again, nor did she want a relationship.

I watch as Chris gets out of the bed and walks into the bathroom. "Whats wrong" I ask. "Nothing but I have to get back to work" He says handing me 500 dollars. I smile and get my stuff together. "Call me if you need some more" I say walking out.

I turn my phone back on and I see I have about 10 missed calls from Jordyn, not the mention the dozens of texts she'd sent me. I call her back and she doesn't answer. "I'll just stop by then" I say pulling out of Chris's driveway. 

When I get there I walk in, using the spare key she made me. "Jordyn?" I call out no response. After searching the house I figure she isn't here. "Where are you?" I say through the phone while looking through her fridge. "I'm at Chris's job" "You trying to get an job?" I say confused. I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but I'm pretty sure you need some sort of expierience to work at an law firm.

"No.... Tammy I'm pregnant" She says in a hushed tone. I instantly started feeling guilty. I know Jordyn hasn't slept with anyone else than Chris, this baby has to be his. "The pill didn't work" She cries. Well no shit Jordyn. "Are you keeping it?" I ask hoping she says no. I already know that If Chris finds out she's pregnant with his child, he'll drop me like an bad habit, just because me and Jordyn are friends.

"Yeah, I'm not actually ready for a kid, but I layed down and helped conceive it, I have to stand up and take care of it". I nod my head. Of course Jordyn would think like this. She bashed me for getting an abortion in high school. 

"How do you think Chris will take it?" "I don't know. He left earlier but he should be back soon... Call you afterwards?" "Yeah. Tell me how it goes". I hang up and stare at my phone. I'm the whore in this situation.



I head towards my office after stepping out of the elevator. "Any messages Kayla?" I ask my assistant. "No sir. But you do have an visitor" "Male or female?" "Female". I sigh. This is why I don't tell women where I work. I have an feeling it's a woman I've fucked before.

"Send her in" I say sitting down at my desk, and crossing my legs. "Mr. Brown, this is Ms. Richardson" I stare at her, until Kayla walks out. "Hi Chris" she says nervously. "Sit" I say pointing to the chair in front of me.  I stare at her as she walks towards me. She's gotten thicker.

"If you want sex, this isn't the...." She cuts me off by raising her hand. "It looks like that's exactly what you've been doing.....I'm um.... I'm pregnant" She stumbles out. I stare at her for a long time. I pick up my phone. "Kayla cancel my meetings and move them to tomorrow " I place the phone down. 

"You got some proof?" I ask rubbing my temples. She pulls out papers she got from the doctor. "I went and got it confirmed today" She says staring at my face trying to read my expression. "What about that one nigga? Anthony right?" I ask still looking at the papers. "I haven't had sex with him. And the last time I had sex was with you 2 months ago" She points her finger to the words that say 'Approximately 2 months'.

"Well maybe I should've told you..." I watch as her face changes from nervous to mad. "Damn right you should've told me. And that damn plan B pill didn't work either." She says sighing. "I'm not ready for a kid, Chris. Seriously I'm not" I grab her hand and give her an reassuring smile. "Believe me or not I am" I say grabbing my things out of the closet. 

"Are you hungry?" I ask her while putting on my jacket. She nods her head and puts on her coat also.

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