Chapter 10

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I layed on the ground trying to regain strength and catch my breath. "Jordyn? Jordyn I...I'm sorry Jordyn" He mumbles dropping at my side.

"Get.... Away from ME!" I yell causing him to scoot back some. "Jordyn...Baby I'm sorry" He wisphers. "I don't want to be here. Im leaving." I say getting up and walking fastly towards the stairs. I get into the room and start stuffing things into my louis vuitton suitcases.

After I get done packing most of my belongings, i put them in my acura and head to the only place I know.
"Jordyn? We haven't spoke since that incident with Anthony" my mother scolds me while glancing down at the suitcases. "What's wrong? Why are you packed?"
"Moma..." I start, but stop when I catch her staring at my neck. "Im pretty sure he didn't mean it..." I say smiling sheepishly. "Of course he didn't" my mother says with a smile but her tone doesn't match her smile. She grabs my bags and brings them in.

"Where's daddy?" I ask following her into the house. "In his room" "His room?"
She looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights. I raise my eyebrows at her and head towards the master bedroom.

"Daddy?" I knock and walk in. "Hey babygirl" he says smiling. I hug him and sit down beside him. "You're starting to show.... How many months are you?" I smile down at my stomach, "4 months" "Jordyn?" "Yes?"

"Why do you have a very large bruise around your neck" my father asks examining it closely.  "What's up with you and mom?" I say quickly changing the subject and acting interested in the pictures on the dresser. "She wants an divorce...." "why?" I ask not turning around to look at him. "How are you and that lawyer doing?". How am I supposed to tell my father that my oh-so-great, wealthy and sweet boyfriend, just had some type of psychopathic outbreak and took it out on me?

I stare at my father and think of a great lie, knowing that if I told him what just happened with Chris he would overreact. "He thinks the baby's a girl" I say smiling at my belly. "We find out in 3 weeks. I hope it's a boy" My father snorts. "Boys are harder to handle Jordyn" "Oh no. Girls with the attitude and menstrual...." My daddy cuts me off with his hand causing me to laugh. "Never mind Jordyn" "Well I'm going to go raid the fridge like a whale" I sing causing a small laugh from my dad.
Tammy P.O.V.

I don't know why i just did what I did. I get from under the covers and make my way into the bathroom.

I stare in the mirror and notice love bites all over my chest and neck. I shake my head at myself in shame. My moma didn't raise me like

"Tammy?" his questioning voice comes from the other side of the door. "I'm fine Michael" I reply feeling a tear drop on my chest.

Chris P.O.V.

I've called Jordyn like 1 million times already. I don't want her to leave me like my ex did.
"Baby I'm sorry..... I tripped out. You not caring about the abortion struck a nerve. You know how bad i want a house full of kids.... Im sorry Jordyn. Please come home.

I sigh as I sit there thinking about Alise. I really loved her, even after she aborted my child. I sit my head in my hands and think about her, how angry I was when she aborted the baby. How I choked the hell out of her. I'm not abusive it just added fuel to the fire when Jordyn didn't care about the baby. Hell she needed to, she's going to be playing step mommy to the baby.

Ok filler chapter..... But here you go. Chris aint cray cray (well not that much). Sooo Tammy and Michael? And Alise will be here next chapter. NOT EDITED

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