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Request by : EclipseReads5

Takes place before Dream blew up  logstedshire. After techno and phil hear about tommy's exile they go and visit him and see how badly hes been taking care of himself and catches him in the act of writing his suicide note and comfort him about everything. 

Tw: Suicide note/ mention of suicide

(correct me if the TW is wrong please) 


3rd person pov

Tommy walks back and forth in tnret, trying to keep his state of mind in a semi positive place, while also trying to fight the negative thoughts that keep rushing through his head. After everything thats been happening through out the four weeks he has been exiled. With dream coming every two days to just steal all his stuff he has worked hard for, No one coming to visit him, when he needs someone the most, and the thoughts lately have only gotten worse. The more he thinks about this the more tears start to flow and soon enough he figured he has had enough and he would get everything over with, once and for all...

As soon as techno heard of Tommy's situation he set off to Phil's house to get him. So now techno and Phil are riding on horseback to get to where tommy's staying before something bad happens to tommy.  After a day and a half trip they had came across a weird looking wood structure on the edge of water and a tent further ahead of them. In the middle of the land there was a christmas tree decorated with lovely ornaments. 

Phil and techno were both on high alert as they searched around for tommy, knowing tommy would probably be in horrible shape without anyone visiting him or even helping him. The two older men knew how clingy and attached tommy was to his family and friends, even though tommy makes fun of tubbo for being clingy. Techno and phil both continue to venture further up the land and soon they has gotten near the tent to hear choked sobs and strained screaming.

Techno and phil ran towards the tent afraid of what they would find. They both look towards the younger with wide eyes. The younger was laying against the crafting table holding a piece of paper, which was covered in tears making it kinda hard to write on without it ripping, writing on it. Techno had ran up to the smaller one slowly taking the paper away from tommy's hands and replacing it with a hug for the younger. Phil came over and hugged tommy as well.

Tommy had finally looked up at the two people who was hugging him. "P-phil, T-Techno?" He choked out his voice obviously strained from screaming. "Hey there tommy sorry we couldn't come sooner.. but were here now and we will stay here for as long as we need to" Techno answered as tommy started to cry more into techno's shoulder. "you wanna talk about it toms?" Phil started rubbing his back for reassurance.

Tommy just nodded and cried more into the older boys shoulder. "I c-couldn't k-keep liv-living like th-this." Tommy shook even more as he was trying to explain what was happening to him. "i w-wanted the p-pain" the younger once again fell into a state of Sadness. "We are so sorry you have to live like this but we can take you home buddy you can come home with us." Phil said and once again the youngest boys' head popped up looking towards phil with wide eyes. 

"R-really?" Tommy sounded surprised which broke Phil's heart even more. "Yes really, we care about you so much tommy and seeing you like this breaks my heart and i never want to see any of my boys in a shape like this.. you are always welcome to come home with us." Phil smiled at tommy pulling him into another hug along with techno. 

After an hour of the two older boys comforting tommy they both heard soft snoring between a couple hiccups and sniffles. "cmon techno lets bring him home, will you be coming with?" Phil stood up picking up tommy from techno's hold. "Yeah i'm coming with i gotta be there to help with this nerd." techno stands up aswell as ruffle the sleeping boys hair. "sounds like a plan can you grab his stuff and put it in my bag please?" Techno nodded and grabbed the little amount of stuff tommy had in his chest and grabbed the picture of da Queen and put it all in the bag and following phil.


Ahh I hope you enjoyed, this is like my second attenpt at angst so forgive me if its bad ><. 

Anywayss I hope you guys have a happy new year!!! 

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