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I need to make a trans tommy story for pride month so yayy!! Basically tommy with gender dysphoria, but don't worry the story ends with fluff. Tommy is ftm. 


Mentions of Testosterone Shots (I know some people aren't comfortable with shots, i am one of those people so just a little heads up)


Tommy Pov

Today was the day i would finally meet up with the sleepy bois including tubbo. Yeah i met up with Wilbur, but that was just Wilbur but now its the whole gang! We all decided that we were going to go camping for the weekend since it is a Friday. Wilbur is going to pick me and tubbo up and then head to phils house, where techno has been staying for the last 2 days, since he didn't want to be late on the day of the camping trip. 

So Tommy had been double checking everything he has packed for the next two days and nights. Toiletries? check. Clothes? check. Binder? Tommy looks around in his backpack to find that there isn't an extra one in there so he makes sure to go to his dresser and pulls out a couple and shoves them in his backpack carefully.  

He already made sure he was up to date with his T shots.  So he didn't have to take that with him. Everything was about packed. He would keep his phone in his pocket because knowing him, he would forget. 

But now I'm all packed and ready to get, so now I'm sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for the knock or the text coming from Wilbur. And after a 15 minute wait I finally hear the knock. I stand up, almost too fast, and head towards my parents room to let them know that I am leaving. We give each other hugs and they follow me downstairs wanting to talk to Wilbur before we went. 

"Tommy?" I turn to face my mom. "Yes motherinnit?" My mom lets out a soft chuckle. "I wanted to know if we could tell Wilbur about you being trans so he could watch after you over the weekend, in case something happens, You don't have to tell him I just wanted to ask for safe measures." I look to my mom and look back down to the very interesting floor. "what if he makes fun of me?" I mumble as my mom kneels on the ground. "No one can hate you sweetheart, after all the stories I've heard about that young man I'm sure he would do anything for your sake." I nod. "Thank you mom, you can tell him if you want." Motherinnit nods and opens the door and jokingly pushes me out, but not without another hug from his dad and mom. 

"Wilbur can we talk to you before you go?" I hear my mom say to wilbur as he nods. "HEYY BIG T" i obnoxiously shout towards tubbo who is sitting in the back. "BIG MAN INNIT" Tubbo leans over and hugs me. "nice to see you." I say in a calm tone. "Nice to see you too kind sir." Tubbo says sticking to the role. And now we are doubling over in laughter. Wilbur gets in the car and turns around. "gremlin child, Flower child, shall we leave for Philza Minecraft's grand house?" Tubbo nods and i curse at him stating that 'I am a big man and definitely not a fucking child.' Will nods. "of course" 


After a fucking hour drive with Phil driving, techno sitting in shotgun, I was on the left side of the back seat, wilbur in the middle and tubbo on his other side. "Wilbur i will personally smash your vocal chords if you do not shut up." We all know i was joking so wilbur turns to me and smiles and starts singing even louder. 

So were at the camp site and Phil made me a wilbur hold hands for an hour because and i quote, ' Tommy you can't bite people into getting them to do what you want and wilbur you can ignore tommy even though he is a child, so now you two can hold hands and suffer each others grace for longer' I rolled my eyes, but in complete honesty I quite enjoyed Wilbur's presence. 

"ok so it's getting late and we have the tents set up so who is sleeping with who?" Phil asked. We only have 2 tents so. "Gremlin and Flower child can share one, me and techno can share, and wilbur you have a choice, two children or your cool ass dad and your brother." Wilbur smiled. "Children it is then." Phil lets out a gasp. "I can't even feel love anymore, what have you done Will?" Phil jokingly says towards him.

"But seriously is it fine if i bunk with you guys?" I nod and tubbo nods as well. "If you fucking kick me we are going to have huge fucking problems in the morning." I eye wilbur and wilbur laughs and ruffles my hair. "Ok child." 

Tonight was fun, we had hotdogs and me and Wilbur's constant bickering was fueling everyone with laughter. The part i was dreading about this trip was the sleeping part. So i got changed with wilbur tubbo and me all giving each others privacy when we got changed. I didn't want to sleep without my binder on because i was sleeping in a tent with tubbo and wilbur, so i kept it on. Yeah yeah its dangerous i'm aware i just don't feel comfortable around them without it on. 

Its about midnight and i can't fall asleep. I can't take in deep breaths anymore because of how long i've been laying here and how tight i adjusted my binder before we left. I look to tubbo and he's sound asleep. Wilbur i don't know about him but i'm assuming he was awake by the soft touch on my shoulder. "Tommy." Wilbur whispers over to me, trying to not wake tubbo up. "Yeah?" i whisper back. "Have you taken off your.. You know binder? I'm not trying to be accusing or anything your mom just told me that sometimes you dont feel really comfortable enough and you sleep in it which i know can harm you and I wanted to make sure you were ok." I nodded. "I haven't taken it off. I didn't feel comfortable without it on." I start to tear up. "I have an idea." I tilt my head confused as wilbur sits up and drags his bag onto his lap. 

I see him pull out a yellow sweater and throw it to me. "Here you can have this, i have more at home, its really big on me so it should be fucking massive on you, i figured you could be more comfortable that way." I nod and grab the sweater holding onto it tight and start tearing up. "T-thank you wilbur so much." He pulls me into a hug and I start crying. "I'll turn the other way if you want to slip that on. "ok" So i slip off the binder and slip on the sweater and lay down.

"Thank you wilbur." Wilbur turns around and wraps his arms around me and hugs me. "No problem toms." I fall asleep that night not feeling as dysphoric of my body than i was before that night.


Extra Scene: 

I wake up to find the tent empty and frown, as i climbed out i heard wilbur giggle. "Tommy that is really big on you." "awwwww" Phil trys to pull out his phone but i glare at him and he slowly puts it away. "You guys are just jealous because im baby compared to you old people." They all start laughing at that and everything is fine.


HI Everyone!!

I've been waiting to do a trans tommy chapter forever and don't be surprised if you see more. 

Anyways This has to be one of the longest chapters i have made. Wow

Happy Pride Month!! I love You All!! Your all amazing! 

Have a good morning/day/night

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