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Request by: ObliviousClown

3rd person pov

The two youngest of the sleepy bois household were running around through out the house nearly knocking into the three older men who were standing around in the living room and kitchen. Tommy wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into techno who then stared the youngest down with a glare that sent tubbo running away and wishing tommy luck.

"how about instead of running inside you two go run outside." techno basically told intead of really a request. Tommy ran away from him after nodding his head. Tommy went outside to find tubbo sitting on their swing set. "Thanks tubbo for just leaving me." The youngest playfully punched tubbo's shoulder before getting on the other swing next to tubbo. 

Tommy and tubbo played outside for about 20 minutes before getting bored and after a while of talking they decided that they should have a picnic in the woods literally by their house. Tommy gave tubbo a playful smirk before getting off the swing and running to the back door. Tubbo let out a gasp and ran after tommy. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" tubbo yelled behind tommy. 

Tubbo made it to the back door and walked in to find tommy being glared at by techno and tommy cowering. "AH im sorry techno i was excited!" Tommy yelled being very scared of the glare he was getting. "Do it one more time tommy and i swear." Techno sent him one last glare before walking away. 

Tubbo ran up to tommy "What exactly happened?" "i ran into techno again." Tommy got up again and grabbed tubbo's hand. "lets go tell the others about our idea!!" The two mad eit to the living room where the family was sitting. "Can we go on a picnic pleasee?" Tubbo and tommy asked at the same time each bringing out the e's at the end of please.

Phil got off the couch claiming it as a great idea and that he'll make sandwhiches. Techno was complaining stating that he had to continue his potato wars and wilbur was all up for it running upstairs to grab the picnic blanket and the basket. Phil ended up talking techno into it. Soon the whole family was ready to leave.

The four non childish people walked through the gate while tommy and tubbo climbed the fence. Tubbo landed on his feet while tommy landed on his face. "FUCK!" Tommy yelled stomping the ground. Phil and the others started laughing while tommy also started cursing them out.

They finally made it to an open spot surrounded by a small opened area covered in flowers and tubbos eyes shined very bright knowing what he was going to do. Everyone sat down and ate a couple sandwiches. Tommy and tubbo ran off to make flower crowns for everyone while wilbur got out his guitar and started playing, techno opened a book he brought and started reading. Phil listening to wilbur play.

Tubbo had taught tommy how to make flower crowns a while back and they both made flower corwns for each of their family members. They had finally finished and stood up with tommy to give them the flower crowns. Tubbo walks behind wilbur and places a flower crown with blue poppys, blue daisys and white daisys. "aww thank you tubbo i love it." wilbur says as he fixes it on his head. 

Tommy hands techno a flower crown of violets, Dahlias and finally some white daisys. Techno places it on his head giving tommy a smile. "thanks nerd". Tubbo gave phils his, carnations and daisys. Tubbos was made out of yellow daisys and daffodils. Finally tommys flower crown was made out of Zinnias and white carnations. (i know you probably cant find some of these flowers in a field but just let me have my fun) 

After their adventurous day out they had gotten everything packed up and started heading back to the house. Tommy and tubbo were of course the first ones to make it back. They all got into the house and put everything away and headed into the living room to finish the day off with playing board games and watching movies together. 


Ahh i hope you guys enjoyed I probably had too much fun with the flower part tbh im sorry But i hope you guys have a nice day or night! 

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