4th of July

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heyyy another chapter of me putting my problems onto tommy ^^. (but anyways yeah so enjoy?

dont worry it ends with fluff 

TW over sensory


3rd person pov

Today has been one of the best days for tommy since he got adopted by the Watson family.  They hung out with all of their friends, they all cooked out, and finally they were all watching movies together. Honestly the day couldn't get any worse. So now they were all getting into the car. "What where are we going?" Tommy asked slipping on his jacket and shoes. "We're gonna watch fireworks down by the bay, we do it every year, this year is special because your with us." This made tommy smile. "Ok guys do we have everything?" They all respond with a "yeah" and they all get in the car. 

Well when they did make it to the bay there was people but not so much that they couldn't manage to find a spot.  Phil gets to laying out a blanket for the family to sit on and techno gets out his phone and a pair of headphones. "What's that for?" Tommy whispers to phil, while pointing at techno. "Oh the loud noises of the fireworks bother him so he uses the headphones to block out the noise so he can still watch the fireworks." Tommy nods, he didn't realize there was gonna be loud noises, and if their loud enough to where they bother techno tommy is a little scared. Tommy hasn't even seen what a firework looks like, little alone heard one.

So when it came time they all stopped talking and paid attention to the fireworks that were about to start. The first one, tommy was excited but scared at the same time. As soon as it came clear in the sky it was beautiful with all the different colors, but then the after shock that came after that huge boom that was slightly of time after the firework exploded. And tommy froze in his spot. Tommy scooted over to Wilbur's side and wilbur grabbed his brother. "Hey tommy you ok?" Tommy looked up to his brother. "I-" his words got interrupted by another firework exploding in the sky. Making tommy cover his ears and flinch.

"Oh tomz.." Wilbur scooted tommy over on his lap and pulled his baby brother to his chest. "its loud." Tommy whispered in wilburs ears making the older cover tommy's ears with his own hands. Wilbur turned around. "Phil can you ask techno is he brought and extra pair of headphones?" Phil looked confused since he thought wilbur was fine with them until he saw tommy. "yeah." Phil turned to techno and wilbur turned back around. 

Phil tapped techno on the shoulder and techno turned to him. Phil pointed to his ear and pointed to tommy. Thankfully techno pulled out another pair of headphones and handed them to Phil. Phil thanking him, even thought techno couldn't hear it and passed the headphones to wilbur. 

Wilbur tapped tommy on his shoulder and tommy lifted his head up. Wilbur slipped on the headphones and tommy was thankful, everything was quitter, silent? no but quieter. "Thank you." Tommy said looking up to face the fireworks with a smile on his face. "No problem tomz." Wilbur pulled tommy tighter to his chest and watched the fireworks with his family.


Wow me directing my problems onto tommy, except I'm writing this during a panic attack and not having someone to comfort me haha. 

But anyways i want to start writing chapter for differnt holidays and such. So pog. 

Hope you guys have a good morning/day/night

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